“Every single character in capeshit is literally perfect except for one”

74  2019-09-23 by Ghdust2


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1: Least liked =/= the rest are perfect, Ghdust2 is a retard.

You've got an admirer.

capeshitter S E E T H E

This is your brain on gaymer.

Worse. This is your brain on vidya and capeshit 🤮

One week of nofap and the coomer brain starts to rewire and it is actually impossible for the brain to care about things like this.

Imagine still SEETHING about foids in capeshit at the tail end of 2k19 😂😂😂

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. “Every single character in capeshit... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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well yeah with those feet

Sounds like op has a candle still lit for Brie Larson's toes or something.

Imagine liking literally any of them disgusting

I commented because I care

at this point the first time i see "its almost like..." i just close the thread.

too much


New pop culture franchises can't come soon enough, because I am so sick of hating capeshit, wizardshit, spaceshit, dragon/swordshit. Really want to hate some new stuff.

And just in case people think I'm an edgy hipster who hates everything to be cool, here are my credentials.

I like Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Preacher and the 2000s remake of Battlestar Gallactica. That's literally it.

Ah, patrician.

Imagine investing your time to hate a genre of tv/film. Nigga just close your eyes lol

Good point. To expand, I don't technically hate the films, I hate the fans, the marketing, the false hype, the fake cultural profoundness, the grown men buying toys and putting them in glass display cases, I hate the relentless release schedule where you think you've got a brief pause from all of the above but then there's yet another one coming out now and everyone is just as super stoked about that.

It's just exhausting.

I 100% feel you, but it's a necessary evil that will help accelerate the mayocide

🙏 😌

How long has it been since capeshit marvel was released? Why do these people still give a shit?

Never underestimate a neckbeard scorned i suppose.

They should have made her an alcoholic trainwreck like she is in the comic books, but Muslim countries and feminists wouldn't have liked it.

Where's the drama? Literally 1/10.

Captain Marvel is the best hero in the MCU, get over it.

That makes them wrong, not dramatic. If someone were to go in there and set them all straight that would be dramatic. As it is, it's just boring.