leafs r/atethekayfabe as they become ridiculously angry and aggresive when a diva heel fake-disrespects a mountie "just because its part of her job doesnt mean she has to act like a bitch to a random police officer. go be a bitch some other way."

22  2019-09-23 by Nom_Chompy


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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She's like, straight from, like the movie "The Prestige" only for actual retards.

Layers of fake not even Trump can follow.

This and the Trudeau blackface have been my fav news stories all year, what a blessed week.

I saw Lacey earlier this month at a house show and it was great to see her heel work in person. And her ass.

how do u make wrestling fans look smarter than u lol fukn canada