Midsommar is a pretty graphic anti-suicide PSA 🥧

29  2019-09-23 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

Very realistic cherry pie face


dunno why there are so many hot takes on this movie. Ive been trying to build up the effort to watch it, but ive been unsuccessful so far

It reminds me of 1970s horror films.

should i waste my time on it this weekend?

It’s not bad.

but not good


It's fun.

Did you like the guy's other one?

hereditary? I turned it on for 10 minutes but i was too drunk to pay attention

I liked that one. Haven't seen this one yet tho.

3/4 of that movie are super good and very creepy, last 1/4 lost me because it became an incredibly generic mid-2000 horror movie out of nowhere AND forgot about the things that made it good (mostly the diorama stuff went nowhere)

I hope this one’s better

Thanks for coming to my movie review

I preferred Midsommar. You can tell pretty much exactly what's going to happen if you've watched the trailer but i don't mind that.

Don’t watch those anymore, since the good shit has gone out of style and now a trailer has to spoils half the movie.

Fair dos.

The rubber gore did it for me

Don’t freeze frame. Just take it in and let it happen.