/r/cringepics laughs at a wedding photo with redneck t-shirts. And then the bride shows up.

240  2019-09-23 by Ghdust2


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Reddit: Workers of the world unite!

Also Reddit: Is that a casual, cheap wedding? Ewwww

They only care about ghetto blacks and street trannies

pretend to care


When they throw around words like “the worker” and “the working class” and “the laborer” what they actually mean is “me and my white collar friends who think our jobs in management should be unionized”. They are all secretly repulsed by the very people a workers revolution would benefit, to the point of blatant condescension.

It’s the same with woke Redditors who have (do? present? dunno) a Freudian slip and reveal that when they talk about the “poor black man” they’re actually picturing a half and half upper middle class college student who was the token “black” kid in their preppy high school, who the average black man would make fun of. They’re terrified of average black people and let their covert mayo racism slip from time to time because of it. Average black people aren’t the mindless chimp monkeys who inject marijuanas and cause the gangster hoodlum crime (im afraid of black people btw) that rightoids want you to believe, but they’re sure as shit not supporting the LGBT pride parade in their city.

Thank you for reading my seriouspost.

And they really hate trannies

> You look beautiful in this photo btw

> I just wanted to tell you I also think you look amazing in the picture. It was the first thing I noticed, not the tshirts.

Every time.

if anything, i'll be the one in the kitchen ;)

madam may i please get a crumb of pussy

I don't even understand comments like the second one. Sure, they're both thirsty moids blowing smoke up her ass, but at the least the first line sounds somewhat believable, rather than just sad and desperate.

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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90% chance that the groom was also wearing jeans.

The groom is on the far left btw.

Oh no.

who the fuck shaves their balls? You ever tried that shit? No sir. No one who has a set of balls even jokes about shaving them.

Lmao no one licks ur balls

who the fuck shaves their balls?

Most guys? No one wants to suck a dudes balls with hair all over then. 🤢🤮.

You can either batwing but that really require more hands than two helping. Alone I do the orb and pull. To get the loose skin you keep your balls seperated and pull down so the skin is flat. Get the front and then the back. Repeat with different holding angle to get any side hairs. For the around the balls and the bottom, grab firmly and turn the skin holding the testicle into an orb and shave over it.

It’s all pretty simple and leaves you nice and not gross to actually get some.

lmao look at this cuck shaving his balls for his bf

Honestly, think about it rationally. You are shaving, trimming, washing and grooming your balls every week solely so they can go and get sucked on by another man.

you cant be gay and rational at the same time

I was under the impression that you don't fuck and hearing that you've never trimmed your southbeard is a blaring confirmation

it's nbd dude, throw on a podcast you like, jump in the shower, and get to shaving. I do it every time there's a full moon

i trim mah dude. I think i tried shaving once and learned the hard way.

Just get em waxed bro. Let a professional handle it.

This tbh. The moment I became gay I lost all rational thought which is why im a /r/Drama user.

How many gay bars you going to on a weekly basis?

It is easy as fuck. Maybe you shouldn't shave with a serrated knife?

lmao look at this cuck not shaving his balls with a dull walmart machete

I use nair/veet so the dull part is surprisingly accurate.

doesnt that shit burn? good lord

Thats how you know it is working. End result: Smooth as eggs

i tried it once and it wasnt that bad?

what do you, like, stretch it out like a bat wing and go to town or something?

pretty much, ball skin is stretchy and actually pretty tough. the hard part is that it itches when the stubble first grows back in

turning your sack into a bat wing sounds pretty gay tbh

dont pretend youre not gonna try it as soon as this thread is over 🤔

“this thread is over”

your brain has been fried by 4chan honey, take a rest

What about a sugar glider?

they have fur tho?

I endorse the accuracy of this post

Yeah, except it's not itchy in my experience.

Shaving them is the easy part. It's the incredible, persistent itching for the next week or so as the hair grows back in that's the hard part.

Dude just pluck them out one by one with tweezers like a normal person jeez...

I always imagined it would involve clothes pegs, like stretching out a canvas.

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Norelco with the guard off. Although that is more so a close trim I guess.

thats what i do, but thats not "shaving" technically. Thats a trim. Shaving implies a razor to the scrotum.

I shaved my pubes in high school once and when they grew back it was the worst thing ever.

I know right? Go get them waxed like a respectable tranny.

You get more sensation with less hair. Have sex.

lmao just fuck with your balls dude

Hell yeah

If you never came close to hurting your balls or cutting them off, have you ever really felt the full sensation of having them?

How else are you going to pull off a one man dp? Slip your dick in her vag then pop the balls in her stinkhole.

Look at all the people below role playing that someone will come within 10 meters of their junk!

Why is it always women with full arm sleeves that end up doing trashy shit?

Cuz you can take a girl outta the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park outta the girl.

Looks like the pic before a gangbang






"Squeal like a pig!"

  1. Some people in that thread are way too desperate to own that lady epic style
  2. Everyone in that photo is indeed dumb white trash tho

Everyone in that photo is indeed dumb white trash tho

There's literally nothing wrong with being an out and proud fentanyl-american

Did she marry FAS Neckbeard to the left, or the chubby manlet to the right? Inquiring minds need to know!

p.s. BOTH of our BEAUTIFUL children were planned and that’s 100% NOT the reason he proposed.

Best part, hands down.

That's the part that makes me think it's all bs.

Yeah now that I think about it that seems a little too far.

Awhile back there was a similar "trashy wedding" post in /r/trashy where one of the guests showed up, shared other pictures, and was like "I guess we're trashy? That's alright." Way more awesome than this.

For as seemingly upset as they were getting their wedding picture posted that was a little too tongue in cheek. Plus I think she said that they had been wearing suits but took off their shirts and it doesn't seem to add up. And it's a brand new account.

Yeah, if she had posted some kind of proof or went along with it I think it would be more believable.

100% fake and gay

One has to wonder what they thought would happen posting this on the internet

Now reverse this photo and make everyone trannies in Portland and see how Reddit likes it.

user reports:
1: Autists literally cannot get trannies out of their mind

This guy feels the need to defend literal trailer trash.


"Put down your fentanyl and... Oh, never mind"

Knowing the context honestly puts everything in perspective. Sure, it's kinda trashy, but what about digging through profiles to mine for fake internet points and material to mock along with your internet butt buddies?


Oh God, did I just describe this subreddit as well? Have I become self aware? Damn, now what?

Oh God, did I just describe this subreddit as well? Have I become self aware? Damn, now what?

Acceptance, then go scope out your trashiest Facebook friends and post their autism here. (Blur out names tho.)

I feel like some other group got there first.

LOL at the type of people who have Zelda themed weddings with their non-binary partner trying to dunk on rednecks for wearing jeans to a wedding.

They got a hold of this at /r/trashy too, but m'lady didn't show up to defend here honour.