Brown Leaf imagines a world where white people care what he thinks while y-pippo climb virtue totem

68  2019-09-23 by newcomer_ts


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In the case of Trudeau blackface it’s more a politically partisan divide. Liberals are not really offended and are minimizing the behavior because they want to vote liberal and feel this scandal isn’t worth changing their vote to a party that doesn’t reflect their views. Conservatives claim faux outrage because they hate Trudeau and want to see him lose the election. If it was Scheer found in photos wearing blackface I’d bet my entire pay cheque all of a sudden a huge amount of liberals would find it highly offensive whereas it’d be the conservative voters shrugging it off and downplaying it. It’s a reflection of partisan politics and people trying to fling dirt at their opponents by feigning offense rather than truly and honestly being offended by it.

Immediately in response...

I disagree. I think theres a very vocal contigent of liberals who do get offended on behalf of other groups; but i think the larger voice is the conservatives who suddenly give a shit or use it as an oppurtunity of whataboutism whatevers most recently happened.

Every argument ive gotten over this hasnt been from a liberal, its been from a conservative who wants to use their "outrage" as a weapon

This is weirdly unsettling. These people are for real mentally broken. The original comment literally said that, but because it included some badthink about libs, it has to be disagreed with. Just not substantively.

Trudeau will now lose elections for sure and it's, ironically, because he went unpunished.

Y-pippo in Canada are okay with being nice and welcoming but he went overboard. The joke is, he is Canada's 1st black/brown PM. Also, black/brown pippo openly say he's good for them bc he gives them everything.

I mean, who seriously can have any respect for him now.

Dude, no joke, hatred of Trudeau is literally the only thing my entire office (consisting entirely of immigrants, no less) has in common politically

I just dont get who his core demographic is; its not the rednecks of prairie canada, not the independent business owners, not the working immigrants, not even the elderly. Where is his "support" even coming from at this point? Is it literally just the demographics on govt support?

it's white guilt libs in urban centers who need to feel woke to try and dab on our highly superior southern neighbours who elected the bad orange man. I was talking about it with my dad briefly yesterday and mentioned how hypocritical JT is and he fucking asked me "How?" like he didn't already know.

I am 100% confident if he wasn't such a Blormpf-resistor (yes I'm embarrassed by it, he's even an American citizen from birth who self-shames that part of him) he wouldn't try that sad attempt at playing dumb.


Ok champ. Keep it up little league is good for you!

I was back in my hometown for a wedding and popped by for a Sunday dinner before my flight left

... And u best mean little league hockey

Baseball you mong. Little league hockey is literally just im rich and white. Baseball is actually decently cheap wnd doesn’t leave your kid pale and concussed

I'm a leaf not a mong, and that was the joke you non syrup nigger

I did play baseball

Same. Im glad your shitty childhood was as great as mine you fuck

If it’s white guilt, why wouldn’t they vote for an actual brown guy (NDP)?

because they vote for the guy also drenched in white guilt. "he's like me! and everybody loves him!"

so much LPC-turfed COPE

every leaf knows this has made this clown look even more clownish

it's not even the initial reported instance of the costume party that matters, it's the fact that he'd condemn you or an opponent as an irredeemable racist for much, much less.

AND, it's the fact that he was hoping it would stay buried, combined with the fact that he literally said he can't remember how many times he's done it.

I'm somewhat of a race-snob myself (shocking, right) and I know my blackface number is 0.

All that study proves to me is leafs are spineless cowards who bend over to suck off the guy they want to vote for instead of holding to their beliefs like cons.

and I know my blackface number is 0.

Megyn Kelly got fired and i'm sure they jerked themselves raw over it and now defend it lmao

"freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences sweeety"

Leafs don't have the first amendment.

If I don't get to say Bitch without my gf physically recoiling off my cock ( her idea of course after I said no you won't like this it's not dirty talk)Trudeau doesn't get to be in blackface, she's never even seen me spit the hard N

holly smokes - Trudeau changed his FB profile pic to show he has a black friend - LMFAO

And the drama that developed in comments is so precious bc praise is showered on him by all non-whites from any place around the world.

This is peak virtue signalling.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. Brown Leaf imagines a world where w... -,

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How come people started lumping all non-mayos into the “brown” category. I never really heard it used so much until recently.

Like “Glumpf is locking up brown kids in cages.” I mean it’s not very specific. He isn’t locking up black or Arab kids.

Why do Mayos get to call everyone from Nordics to Italians to Slavs to light skinned Hispanics "white"?

Because they have to categorize everyone in the simplest was possible

Well, I'm not complaining as it only makes the upcoming mayocide even easier

lol but you get to decide who the mayos are. enjoy the trade-off

It’s part of an attempt to make Jews technically white.

Pinkoids are God's true Chosen People.

Italians, slavs and light skinned Mexicans aren’t white. They only get counted as white to increase crime statistics for white people.

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

“Haha niggers are dumb and look funny” wow so flattering

I honestly think it was a form of flattery. Trudeau is ashamed of his whiteness, and so he gets off on role-playing as a person of colour. What else could explain why he did it so many times?

As a brown dude, it doesn’t bother me one bit. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.