SRD argues about Jordan Peterson after it’s revealed he became a loser drug addict after his wife deservedly got cancer

111  2019-09-23 by 211sAndMacallan


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God, they're trying so hard to dunk on lobster boy beterson, and it's for doing something that they both agree is necessary and good.

Take that, clean your room man, checking yourself into rehab is totally incompatible with taking responsibility for your actions.

Real men use addiction to get internet points online and then complain about how the government isn’t helping enough

Oversocialized probably isn't coming back.

Randy will though.

If you have to be addicted to something, being addicted to cats is the least destructive.

Rehab is for faggots. Real men like me just live with their addiction and internalize everything and then break down naked almost crying when your childhood friend calls you and tells you how his family is being destroyed by an affair just like your was two years ago lol

You okay buddy? I'm here for you if you wanna talk.

I’m a little better now that I got a little drunk and smoked some cigarettes. My childhood friend just called me looking for advice because just like me two years ago, his family is falling apart due to his parents’ 30 year marriage falling apart due to infidelity. It honestly just broke my heart knowing what his family is about to go through because my family literally just experienced it.

Unironically, infidelity is the biggest smooth brain, weak-willed, sex tingles bullshit ever.

If you're willing to destroy multiple people's lives for a root, you're only really half a step above an animal.

(Sorry if it's harsh, but seen your situation a few times myself, really pisses me off)

Oh I agree. Cheating when you have a wife and kids is one of the scummiest things you can do

Damn, that sucks. Be strong for him.

Shit man, that's rough. I can't imagine. Nobody wants to take sides in a fight between their parents.

It's a cold comfort, but least you and your friend will both understand what the other has gone through. Misery loves company.

Dude, just tell him to clean his room; wtf is wrong with you? Stop being a bad friend.

You okay buddy? I'm here for you if you wanna talk.

Reddit speak

I'm here to do "redneck rehab" if you need it. I chain you up in the basement and make you get clean one way or another.

How responsible for his actions was he being being a human junkie in the first place?

Seeing your wife go through cancer is just horrible, I imagine.

I mean considering it's anxiety medicine for struggling with his wife's cancer, I'd imagine it's pretty understandable, especially cause the dude has said he's had mental health issues all his life.

Also, why do the people who hate memerson so much pick the stupidest shit to criticize him over when there is so much valid criticism you can give instead

why do the people who hate memerson so much pick the stupidest shit to criticize him over

Only overly-online zoomers know who he is.

It would be good that we downvoted this bad take and upvoted my reasonable response but this is /r/drama. Always upvote the cunt with the bad take.

2mg/day of Klonopin fucking hell that's pussy shit even for the world's stupidest benzo.

How does it compare to other benzos? 2mg of Xanax just calms me down lol

Second hand knowledge here in vernacular: Klonopin is very slightly less potent than Xanax, however Klonopin has much fuckier behaviour in how it distributes throughout the body. This makes it good at some things (stopping seizures), a bad choice for other things (managing short term or acute anxiety/panic) which it seems to be constantly chosen for anyway. It also makes withdrawal from Klonopin significantly more unpleasant than benzos, because it stays in your body for a long time (up to 50 hours), but it doesn't work the whole time.

The correct way to withdraw it is to switch to 40mg/day (from 2mg klonopin) of diazepam and slowly decrease the dose over several weeks.

What he was seriously taking a 2mg and went to fucking rehab. Yeah I know it's hard to cold turkey the shit but seriously he should've just gone to the doctor and set up a plan to taper if he wanted off, you're not a fucking addict just because you were dumb and didn't realize the drug you were taking had physical withdrawal symptoms and you got nasty side effects trying to cold turkey. Oh no I can't immediately drop my benzo prescription without feeling ill, gasp, surely this must mean I am now one of those addicts I hear about. Is this dude a fucking boy scout or something, christ.

If I'm interpreting the thread correctly, yes, 2mg per day, x 3 months or so since his wife was diagnosed with cancer. I'm sorting this out of SRDine speak, so it may not be accurate, but that's what I'm reading.

Technically benzos are one of the few drugs that can kill you on withdrawal, so maybe he wants like, that seizure detecting bed that they put you on because he's worried about it?

I don't know a lot about this guy, but isn't he a psychologist? They know jack shit about actual medicine.

I'm not sure a drug like this at such low doses could cause actual death. Mostly I would think that's the actual addicts who eat it like candy and have ridiculous resistance. He was taking fairly regular prescribed dosage though.

Still it'd definitely be uncomfortable and cause racing heart and an anxiety rebound. That's why he shouldn't set up a taper plan with his doctor, just reduce the dosage to like 1.5mg one month, 1 the next, 0.5 afterwards, and then make he could drop it without issues. You generally want to go slow with benzos, but it's not generally the case that every time a person on long term treatment decides to quit they need rehab. I'm not brushing over how hard it is but he was at a fairly reasonable low dosage. I looked it up and it appears he did indeed try to go cold turkey, I imagine it would have been quite a shock to him if he genuinely didn't know how bad an idea that was, it's something that should have been explained to him was dangerous before he started taking the drug.

Also FYI a psychologist is not a doctor. It's an allied medical discipline but they are not given general medical training as a doctor would be at any point, and they can't prescribe medicine. Although indeed I would have imagined that he'd at least know enough about the pharmacology of mental health medicines that he'd know the risks of cold turkeying benzos. Also AFAIK he was almost always a research psychologist and academic anyway, rather than someone who directly treats patients. Any he tended towards the very abstract, let's say, humanities adjacent side of psychology where he often seemed to almost be doing philosophy, discussing the nature of belief and also just general self help stuff. Not the more scientific, rigorous, empirical side which would be more concentrated on direct treatments of concrete mental illnesses.

He got addicted to legal prescription drugs and as soon as he realized he was addicted he did the responsibile thing and checked into rehab to kick the addiction. I really don't understand the narrative that checking into rehab is a moral failing? If he was addicted to cocaine or something illegal that's one thing but they're prescription, I don't think pteterson ever claimed that depression medicine is bad?

Klonopin isn’t for depression. It’s for anxiety. And I tried looking up Peterson having a bad take on depression medicine to burn you, but he actually has an amazing and completely rational take on them:

Honestly probably the best video I’ve seen of him.

I'm not like a lover of JBP or anything but I am always perplexed that people constantly try to dunk on him for things he never said or has a reasonable take on when there are videos of him with a kekistani flag and dressed up as a frog.

I am getting the impression that people hate him more because of who has fans are, rather than what he says. So they just assume he must say horrible things.

IMHO I think that people dont like to hear that they need to change in order to make their lives better. It's just easier to blame someone/something else as the reason why you aren't happy or whatever. Also he takes alot of nuanced takes on things and people would just rather stuff be black in white. Add in the christianity and it's all over for him.

With the caveat that I have paid no attention to memerson drama prior and have no idea of his content:

Hard agree. Most people do not recognize the autonomy they have over their own decisions and actions. Change is hard, and to legitimately change, especially at a certain point in life, you have to legitimately want it and work towards it. In order to change a person has to recognize that there is something internal to themselves that is not optimal, simply wrong, or bad. Even people without personality disorders don't like doing that.

If people were legit upset at him because he sold tired self help ideas to incels, then you would also see a ton of Tony Robinson hate on reddit, but you dont. So obviously he's hitting some nerves with people who dont like to be told that they are wrong and need to change.

I'm not a fan but I've always been cool with his self help stuff.

Some people really need to be told to clean their rooms, unironically

He’s certainly had bad takes but as someone with life long depression this video was actually great. Since I always hated on him and he gave me unironically good advice I’m gonna reward him by being nice on /r/drama for one whole day.

Idk i've always thought he had interesting takes on things even if I didn't agree with him, the man speaks goodly.

his sycophants are absolute faggots though no doubt


I'm not like a lover of JBP or anything but I am always perplexed that people constantly try to dunk on him for things he never said

Because they need him to be the bad guy. If Mr. Lobsterman is right about people needing to take responsibility, then they are wrong.

If I told you why we on the left hate Jordan Peterson you'd just get butthurt and down vote me lol

Not on /r/drama. Tell us why you hate him. I guarantee you my upvote.

Nigger, don't act like you've ever said anything that wasn't fucking retarded, even pizza thinks you're a fucking moron 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

I believe Watermark is a troll because 5% of the time they slip up and say something not completely retarded. It's also possible that the original Watermark was real but the later accounts invoking his name are trolls. But I'm not sure.

white cis male privilege?

Lmao what a justification, wuuuhhh it was a legal prescription drug. Yeah and a lot of people get into oxy after surgery or some shit too, you know what we call those people? Drug addicts.

three post ago you called yourself "mature"

If you take a prescription drug as instructed to by your doctor and it ends up being an addiction I really don't see that as a personal failing. Especially because it doesn't sound like the drug he got addicted to is even something you'd take recreationally.

Like the sequence of events is: wife gets cancer and you have bad anxiety so you go to the doctor => doctor proscribes you anti-anxiety drugs => you take the drugs as instructed for a year => realize you have grown a dependency on the drug => promptly check into rehab to break the addiction.

Seriously, what step is a moral failing?

it's actually pretty admirable tbqh

Bu……but he is evil alt right !1!!!1!

druggie cope

Druggie make excuses not to go to rehab.

He got addicted to legal prescription drugs and as soon as he realized he was addicted he did the responsibile thing and checked into rehab to kick the addiction.

Where’s you see this? He was using unit he decided to test how the withdrawals would be and failed going through them.

I really don't understand the narrative that checking into rehab is a moral failing

You don’t understand how being to weak to go through withdrawals is a failure.

they're prescription

So you can’t abuse prescription drugs? Like rich people need to feed their habit by using street drugs that have legal alternatives instead of just paying off a doctor for a script. He could have chosen to not take them in the place.

Imagine thinking it is possible to abuse prescription desoxyn.

You can seize up and die from coming off klonopin instantly. It also has a super long half life, so it’s not ideal for jumping off of. It’s also not very recreational, which leads me to believe lobster man is a nervous fellow. If he did a tiny bit of research he would have seen that tapering your dose is how you do it. Ultimately it’s a super shitty substance to come off of though. A mental and physical gauntlet of epic proportions.

Alcohol and benzos are two of the few (only?) things where withdrawal can actually kill you. Guess what me and my family members have problems with 😎

Uh I'm gonna guess scotch is your poison of choice.

Honestly, macallan is really the only scotch I’ve truly enjoyed. I go through a lot of phases and my drink of choice depends on things like my income, hence the 211s and macallan. Lately I’ve been drinking a fifth of Tito’s or Stolichnaya a day or downing four lokos because they’re cheap and four of them will fuck you up

Listen to this man, he knows what he's talking about when it comes to opiates and benzos.

I'm the guy to go to about uppers though.

edit: the op is being an trolling asshole. the wife's cancer diagnosis was 3 fucking months ago. it came out this morning that Jordan peterson was, in his own words describing people with addictions, a loser who needs to take responsibility for his life and stop blaming it on people or events. Why include his wife has cancer even though its not relevant to the current dram? well ask OP why he decided to try and conflate the 2, though i bet we all know why.

Yeah, his wife got cancer three months ago, he should have manned the fuck up by now and be over it. Isn't that kind of thinking why they are all mad at him?

meh fuck him

Consensually, of course. He's going to be on the rebound soon.

You know what they call drug addicts who become drug addicts because they're really sad? Drug addicts.


It's a SRD rule that titles need to be free from bias

God SRD is filled with utter fucking tards


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. SRD argues about Jordan Peterson af... -,,

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Exactly, it would sort of be like if Melania Trump got deported and torn away from her child. It's not like I'd enjoy it or think it's a laughing matter but I'd struggle to feel sorry for Trump given that he would just use his obscene wealth to overcome the issue. People in extreme positions of privilege are perfectly happy telling the rest of us that our problems are our own fault and easily avoidable because they can have absolute confidence in that they'll never have to deal with them.

“I’m not a bad person for delighting in the misery of people I don’t like! I’m not!”

At least we're honest about being assholes.

srdines on the highest horse. Im really shocked guys

I know memerson has some controversial stuff to his name but it's not really that much once you take away the out of context shit or stuff his fans have said that has nothing to do with him.

Once you take all that away he's somehow made a ridiculous number of people absolutely butt blasted out of their damn minds all because he told them to take some personal fucking responsibility.

Imagine getting addicted to klonopin.

It sounds like he's just dependent on it, given the dose. The only people who actually get addicted to benzos are polysubstance abusers who will scarf down literally anything that gets them a buzz, and unironic fentanyl-americans because they mix so well (with a nice bonus to the lethality to help the mayocide).

Yup, benzos help give an opiate buzz legs, but are super lethal to mix together. Ultimately it’s for the best

I can't believe my brother's alive. For a period every day he drank a fifth, took about 10mg xanax, and a whole bunch of roxxies.

Unironically don’t think it can’t happen. My bro died in May to something similar. Hug him tight next time you see him, I wish I got the chance to :(

Damn I’m sorry dude. Fortunately, for a few months the most my brother has done is drink a few tall cans. Unfortunately, I’m the one who drinks a fifth a day plus and mixes it with Xanax now.

Stay safe homie. If not for your sake, and I know this sounds selfish, but for your brothers sake. Me and him weren’t extremely close in our adult lives, but I’m almost in tears at work typing this out. Miss him every day. Ok sorry that was extremely homosexual, on to more drama.

No, I totally get it. Drug and alcohol addiction is rampant throughout both sides of my family. I apparently used to sip some of my grandma’s beer at age two and tried liquor at 5.

that was extremely homosexual


i've done lorazepam, diazepam, and xanax. i certainly understand getting addicted to xanax. it's like it's a rainy day and you're laying in bed and your mommy tucks you in with a nice warm blanket

That’s a neet analogy. Idk it just puts me to sleep 🤷🏿‍♂️

That's probably because you fried your dopamine receptors with smack. Most normies find Xanax mildly to moderately addictive, especially if they have any underlying anxiety.