The Rapist Brock Turner Defense Force RISES up in /r/news after the the woman he raped releases her first ever non court statement about it.

32  2019-09-23 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Why hasn’t he changed his name yet? Seriously if I was getting this much unwanted attention I would change my name as soon as I had the chance.

I'm still waiting for him to appear on louder with crowder and try to cash in on the whole thing

If he does it to soon everyone will know his name change.

Leave it to reddit to make a repetitive comment meme about a rapist mayo.

In the negro community rapist are revered and respected

Oh this is about male feminist, Brock Turner


Except rape that girl

she is fiiine. If i had to rape someone it’d be her

edit nvm i didn’t see the video. Probably better looking in college. God damm you half Japanese girls

shes half jap?

looks like she might be. Half asian girls are the most attractive of all foids

hapas look like shit and she is no exception

how about you shut up

no thanks yamete

Oh, Brock TURNER. Read that wrong. I was about to wonder how the fuck anyone survived getting raped by Brock Lesnar.

Dude couldn't even put down the pipsqueak Seth Rollins in a legitimate athletic championship bout.

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. The Rapist Brock Turner Defense For... -,,

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