Weebcide when???

20  2019-09-24 by Ghdust2


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Weebcide when??? - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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avatar isn't anime, retard

Cope. It's a gateway cartoon.

One minute you're sitting there watching avatar, barrel of cheese balls in your lap, eating like an otter enjoying life, perfectly normal.

18 weeks of binge watching avatar later...

You find yourself surrounded by funkopop and as you clack away on your mechanical keyboard with custom key caps bought through a group buy.

The faint yellow glow of caps cast from pure ball sweat filtered through some e girls underwear give you a rush of confidence you have never felt since you were accidentally last man standing in dodgeball 15 years ago.

You type out into the void: hewwo weddit dis is my heckin floofer watch him lick peanut butter off my favowite robot vaccum because my mawmy knows a broom is too much responsibiwity.

Puhweeze donate to my stweam real life is hard and I just cannot adult in this mean world.