Marionette Strings Clearly Visible During Greta Thunberg Testimony

318  2019-09-24 by Sea_Safer


[Jannies Mad x29]

Wait why am I supposed to be mad?

Oh but won’t you please think about the children 😱

Hes always thinking about the children

Where is Yamete anyways

Probably sea_safer now lol

If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Marionette Strings Clearly Visible ... -,

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Every article from Babylon Bee comes with a free Werther's Original.

I wish. That stuff is delicious.

cronchy too when you get down to the last, sharp bit and decide to chew it

Imagine not immediately crunching them straight away.

Fuckin limp wristed libtards

pls no dox

boomers can't meme

generational idpol

Boomzoomerlennials just don't get it.

And cares about gen X they are the forgotten generation.

Mostly they're in their 40s and working real jobs so they have less time to shitpost about idpol and vidya

it's the only valid idpol

still beats zoomer "memes"

hah nobody said a thing and then i did a thing get it, also trebuchets

slapping the top of a thing


I wouldn’t have a clue who this girl is if it wasn’t for the sheer amount of rightoid seethe she caused.

That and anything she does is literally shared by every outlet simultaneously and plastered all over reddit and gilded 33x.

Is it surprising when 90% of leftoid redditors are either rapist malefems or pedophiles?

Because whiteknighting with rightards only results in that canned and unfunny bRaVe aND StunNiNg comments while she really doesn't see that.

honestly I stopped paying attention to the news about a year ago, and keep up mainly through memes and dramaposting

isn't healthy but I can't find any RadicalTM CentristTM newspapers, I.E. ones with little bias that just tell me what happened rather than what to think on it

AP is great.

I'll give it a look, at least

Justsecurity for unbiased national security news

WSJ is okay, they keep a pretty good editorial wall.

Have you listened to NPR over the past month?

I don’t care about NPR

You're also retarded if you think rightoid seetheposting is the only reason people know about this gorl

user reports:
1: who the actual fuck listens to NPR

Again I say: Boomers are good.

Who said this 😂😂😂

How dare you, I get all my news and politics from /r/drama.

Wait, theres other ways?

Lol there’s multiple posts about her at the top of worldnews every week

That wasn't funny, just seething, like election year Onion articles.

I wish both rightoids and leftoids would shut up about this FAS victim.

How can you be a millionaire and unable to not drink while pregnant. Mind boggles.

Have you never met a white woman?

This is low even for them though.


Sweaty, youre absolutely an asshole if you question the right of a foid to drink under any circumstances

White womyn are lower than you could imagine in anyway.

What's crazy is she's 16. she looks 10

She acts 10 too

She is a 10 too

High five ✋

She is a 10 too

High five ✋

Huh, "railroad track ears" is a new one for me, and I actually work with FASD kids.

So are they all as retarded as her

Not sure how retarded she is, haven't been following her at all.

FASD kids are generally a nightmare to deal with. They fundamentally are really bad at learning things. Not just academic stuff, but things like "hitting people gets your Nintendo taken away" and "touching the stove hurts."

Sounds like /r/Drama users tbh

Man that article sucked. Usually Babylon Bee articles posted here are kinda funny.

ITT: Seething zoomers. Boomers will inherit the Earth.

Boomers will inherit incinerate the Earth.

I just wanna grill for God's sake

Booooo shitty r/enlightenedcentrism joke

I thought it was just a boomer joke like monster zero

they stole it because theyre unoriginal

Boomers will ensure the Earth is a desolate rock after their deaths, out of spite.

why swedish girl no go china

this but entirely unironically

UN met in New York not China. Dummy

Because they would laugh and make fun of her. There is no network of journalists to make her into breaking news there, hence they are not the primary offender and burterstan is.

Someone post this to r/politicalhumor. We might actually get some drama then.

Not allowed :(

Rule 4: Images only. Linking to news articles, websites or videos is prohibited.

Post a image of the title

unfortunately it's not a tweet devoid of humor of any kind, so it's not really in their wheelhouse

user reports:
1: boomer agendaposting nonsense

Boomers are good.

janny clean it up

janny clean it up

This is the most absurd thing ever said on this sub.

You know it’s true.

good for what/at tho

vital questions left unanswered

For everything.

mod claims boomers are the best at pedophilia and genocide


That was never in doubt!

Very rude.

It helps if you know he's a boomer.


can boomers do anything right


Media loves a strange angry child, don't they?

Remember Emma Gonzalez, the skinhead lesbian from the Parkland shooting? Her face standing at a microphone fucking everywhere.

It's as if Boomers love being told what to do by angry kids. Maybe it's a kink thing I don't know.

Scream at daddy, baby girl

Remember. It was Boomers that killed nuclear energy

This is what pisses me off about all of this crap. Nuclear was the answer, but the left killed it. We wouldn't have the problems we do now, if people weren't a bunch of fucking retards about nuclear power.

But herp derp muh windmills herp derp.

I think she wrote the speech herself, because if it were done by a speechwriter it wouldn't be completely awful.

I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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LMAO fuck the planet yo kids are fucking dumb

Teenager acts over the top melodramatically... must be someone pulling the strings.