Billionaires should not exist.

85  2019-09-24 by heeehaaw


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Billionaires should not exist. -,

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This reminds me of a thing said about Chuck Moore, the inventor of the Forth programming language: that he was routinely able to implement something like for example CAD software in literally one hundred to one thousand times less code than the competition, but at the cost of mercilessly restricting the problem domain, what kind of stuff you can do with the software, to the shape most easily implemented. Like, you'd still be able to design some chips, but you'll have to meet the program more than halfway through.

The way we have a fullfledged AI here in r/drama reminds me of that.

Is that a murder threat? Òvó

Bernie can say kys but we can't

Truly an insightful and progressive policy.

He’s halfway there. He needs to tie it into reparations. Take away all money from billionaires and give it all to black people.

That’s one way to get to black vote tbh

I’d unironically vote for it because just imagine the drama

what about Oprah? and maybe Dr Dre and Jay Z who might be billionares or are only couple of mil short

They get to keep their money.

Hi Point stock price triples overnight

Omg think of the things they could design with all that investment 🤤

Double barreled problem solver in .40 with a single stack mag

I'm cooming!!

Watch out for that kfc fubu megamerger

Both hard fiat currency and cryptocurrency replaced by bartering in hi-points

I can't think of a better economic system tbh

Wealth inequality will be eliminated, because everybody will be on a level playing field, and you can't hoard all the hi-points because you can also use a hi-point to forcibly redistribute the hi-points

Has anyone turned a Hi Point glawk 40 into an MG yet?

well it took 3 replies before someone brought up capeshit

twitter should not exist.

I timed it, and it took 15 seconds when following the r/drama standard reading speed. Try again sweetie

I unironically agree.

I'm not saying we should tax it, just that they should spend every penny beyond 999 million on something cool for once.

Like a words biggest [blank]

Or a world's fastest [blank]

Or fund something useful like a nation wide log flume system with jet skis to replace public transportation. Just building that could employ low skilled zoomers for a decade.

I would so build a fucking Xanadu.

Worlds biggest [tax haven]

does that work?

I don’t even have to check, you know chapos are guillotine posting after this tweet

Hey you, we got your war
We're at the gates, we're at your door
Hey you, we got your war
We're at the gates, we're at your door

We got the guillotine
We got the guillotine, you better run
We got the guillotine
We got the guillotine, you better run

We got the guillotine
We got the guillotine, you better run
We got the guillotine
We got the guillotine, you better run

Everyone should be a billionaire.

My grandmother used to tell me a story about when marks collapsed and her mom had to use a wheelbarrow full of marks to pay for supplies for their grocery store.

Then things kind of kept going downhill from there.

Seems like we're about ready for some hyperinflation.

Every man a king

If we're looking to eliminate the 1%, it's arguably better to eliminate the poorest 1%.


We probably churn through a poorest 1% every couple years tbh

When everyone’s a billionaire...

No one will be.

If every human being actually did have the resources of the average billionaire at their disposal the earth would soon turn into a ball of fire

billionaires are evil people. Why should you have so much when literally people are dying in cages?

Cause they picked the right laws to break, duh.

Counterpoint: why shouldn't people be allowed to give other people money if they want to?

A billion is a THOUSAND millions. I think many people don't grasp that. The differences between a millionaire and a billionaire are quite substantial.

wow thanks buddy i didnt know until you sent this tweet

wait let me get this straight

a billionaire is a thousand times richer than a MILLIONAIRE

this is not okay.


This but unironically. Leftoids are right on occasion and this is one of those occasions. Tax the shit out of em, use it to pay for healthcare or whatever.

The problem with agreeing with this specific idea is that you're agreeing with chapoids, which is a slippery slope to being a complete fucking retard. Yeah, tax the shit out of obscenely wealthy billionaires. That doesn't mean I have to think trannies are real wimminz or that Stalin did nothing wrong

you can be a leftoid without being a trannycel or chapo

citation needed

billionaires can afford to hide their money to spite you though and then go live on an island

You don't really have any idea if that's really true or not. Sounds like a pointlessly defeatist and overly-simplifying way to avoid even trying to even out inequality at all.

remember the panama papers that outlined how pretty much every rich person was already doing it

and thats when the west barely pushes them

if politicians said ok lets tax the fuck out of billionaires until they arent bilionaires anymore then theyd just up and leave

and then the middle class has to pay for all the black people welfare, have fun with that

I almost seriousposted in response to this retardation, but then I remembered where we are.

Lmao imagine thinking that you can just tax billionaires into the fucking dirt without them being like "dude moving to Ireland lmao" 😂😂😂😂😂

Like Jesus christ this nigga hasn't even heard of capital flight like lmao what? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

unironically said by a millionaire

Don't think many people have beef with millionaires.

You can actually earn a few million.

Nobody can earn a billion.

Anyone who pretends "what if ... books... sold online?" is a trillion dollar idea is suffering from mental disabilities.

That bald faggot was first to market for an obvious idea - he shouldn't get to determine the fate of 7.6 billion people and their children.

Its not like they even do jack shit with the money, they just pile it in accounts and hope it spawns a dragon like some faggot dwarf.

this would be an interesting comment if we lived in the 30s


lackluster agenda post
