Is Drumpf finally finished?

162  2019-09-24 by 211sAndMacallan


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Is Drumpf finally finished? -,

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This is good for drama coin

If dems actually impeach, drama is going to be through the roof.

This is blasphemy against the yang gang

Can you be blasphemous against blasphemy?

Jokes on you I'm voting for lizzy anyway.

Idk if I wanna vote this time. I’m in Cali so it’s obvious my vote won’t matter and I don’t wanna accidentally vote for the guy who wins and feel like a retard again

You shouldn't hold yourself back from the opportunity to feel like a retard again.

Oh I have a Trump card that I bought ironically with my name on it so I will forever be permanently retarded

I trusted you before you told me that.

Now I want to see your iep plan and what kind of accommodations the school provides you for test taking.

Lmao how you know about IEPs? I only know because my gf worked with kids and IEPs.

My wife worked with special needs kids.

Nice. Mine worked with immigrant children and lots of them had IEPs.

Immigrants 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Oh don’t worry these were the illegal kind

She wasn’t helping no queer law abiders

Neither of you retards is fooling us.

Your wife is a r/drama mod? 😲

Write a name in

I vote Giratina.

Based im probably gonna vote Lizzie too.

not voting Yang


Say hello to a Warren nomination for president.

I'm absolutely seething about this.

Just you wait. My master plan of lizzy lizard bumper stickers are coming.

They will be perfect for the seething rightoid who belives in shapeshifting reptilians and the leftoids who just like lizards.

Holy shit, that needs to become the thing, Lizzy Lizard. Maybe like a kid's book too, leftists like buying books to indoctrinate their kids with. The conspiracy drama would be fucking hilarious.

Jebcels out

Please cope.

Bernie can still win.

Match me!

its not like any of the dems had any chance whatsoever of winning 2020 anyway dude, its just picking a loser at this point

Warren drives Trump nuts so I'm on board with this

Joe won’t be tied up in any of this. It has nothing to do with him.

Finally, after so much Daddy bitching and moaning, we will get to a failed conviction vote in the Senate.

I can already see the future /r/politics comments:

REMEMBER: Republicans think a blow job is just as bad as multiple cases of TREASON.

Wait leftoids still believe it was over adultery and not lying under oath?

All oids do it. Dems say “it’s just a blowjob” Republicans will say “it’s just a phone call”

"There may not have been wmds."

"Hanging chads."

This is all because Al Gore bent over too easily when they stole his Florida votes.

If al gore would have won then do you think trump would have ever happened

Absolutely. Probably even one or two terms sooner.

It would have been a collective conservative gasp from the heritage foundation as millions of hours of energy and commerce lobbying were wiped from law.

In retaliation, trump would have been the inevitable puppet to try and roll all that back.

That’s honestly a really interesting what-if. I’d like to listen to someone much smarter than I discuss it.

If Gore won and did well and was liked maybe Hillary would have had a better chance. Maybe Obama never would have won.

Leftoids always pose that question. They say that if gore won there would be no 9/11, no wars, no Trump. Obama probably wouldn’t have ever been elected.

If gore won maybe 9/11 would have been twice as bad cus Bush would be extra mad this time around

Woke af


Dude steel beams lmao

I think the Iraq war played a huge role in Republicans getting turned off from mainstream politicians, so without GW, I don't think we'd have Trump. Not yet at least.

Not yet at least.

He can't have more than about ten years left, so "not yet" would have to come pretty soon.

If it wasn't Trump it would have been Palin or some other retard.

It was good Bush got elected

He was trump before trump

This but unironically

Can you imagine if it had been Trump who lost by a few hundred votes? He would have burnt the entire country down before he admitted defeat

Radical centrist take: Both are true, and this shit is a massive waste of time that won’t accomplish anything but helping three lunatics jack off all over themselves

Wait leftoids still believe it was over adultery and not lying under oath? 'because we can'

Later in November, Erskine Bowles had a very different conversation: Newt told Erskine that they were going to go forward with the impeachment despite the election results and the fact that many moderate Republicans didn't want to vote for it. When Erskine asked Newt why they would proceed with impeachment instead of other possible remedies such as censure or reprimand, the Speaker replied, "Because we can."

The right-wing Republicans who controlled the House believed that they had now paid for impeachment so they should just go on and do it before the new Congress came in. The right-wingers in the House caucus were seething over their defeat. Now they were going to seize back control of the Republican agenda through impeachment.


Reminds of

Trudeau in black face is allowed.

Our guy didn't mean it.

Your guy, he meant it.

The crime they tried to ream Clinton over is very much akin to the obstruction angle/case against Trump, that a crime was committed in the process of trying to hide non-criminal, but potentially politically damaging activities.

Except it was to protect Flynn, and Flynn committed a hell of a lot of crimes.

not lying under oath?

Lol the GOP was so butthurt he out lawyered then so bad

Let's get real. Nobody else would have told the truth in that situation. Its was purely a partisan move to try and catch him with his pants down in any way. It just happens that it was literal.

I mean, how do you define sex? I stuck a cigar in her twat, not my dick.

Lying under oath about fucking an intern. Who gives a fuck?


The outrage was absolutely about the Beej

Nigga should have just copped to it then instead of fibbing to the country


Imagine paying actual money to give an award to a fucking bot mod. I really want to try to hack into my sister’s reddit account and find out if she’s done something like this because she’s borderline normie.

Sounds like you wanna fuck your sister tbh

>fucking a mayo foid

I almost vomited

Says the sister fucker

Hey maybe I would have years ago when she was skinnier and I was not yet woke to the mayo foid menace

when she was skinnier

Did she blimp up?

Not as much as I did ☹️

lol fat

Fucking your sister is absolutely a mayo move.

It’s over for MAGAcels.

lol k

This is stickied because I called out a corrupt mod and threaten feed to impeach him

I am just like Nancy Pelosi. You are welcome.

How much steel reserve do you pound down daily

If it’s a 211 day I normally do four tall cans, so 84 oz

Straight from the can I assume?

Nigga what you think? Think I pour that 2 dollar malt liquor into a fancy beer mug lmao

I do throw them in the freezer first tho, the less cold they are the more they start to taste like dick

I'm seeing nothing about playing Edward 40 hands. I'm disappointed.

I’ve done that a few times when I partied at UCSB. It’s easy and lame

It’s easy and lame

Snobby ass Gauchos and their overcomplicated Beer Die

I think I’ve only played that once. We always did flip cup and gaucho ball (rage cage). Oh and sometimes landmines. Landmines and gaucho ball are great because you can fuck people hard

What a stupid meme drinking game. I think I did that in 2004

I've never actually played it tbh. Beers are for steers n queers and playing with a handle of whiskey would even be too retarded for me.

Based. As with most of these things a girl made me do it

I enjoy that the older I get, the list of dumb shit I'd do for gussy gets shorter.

Fair point.

Its 8 Busch lights a day for me. Keeps me normal.

Drinking regular beer just makes me mad. I basically can’t drink enough to get as trashed as I want to be so I just get bloated

I tried the vodka and soda thing for a while. Got me way too fucked up on a weekday when I gotta be up at 5am. So I'm back to muh Busch light.

I always do vodka with flavored water or super low calorie lemonade cus I already get 2000 calories from booze alone each day lol

Yup. That's what I did. Helped with my diet too.

my god

To keep the calories down, I do Greygoose Orange and diet tonic. Highly recommend if you like a drink to relax at night and it's low carb and low cal. I lost a ton of weight without quitting the booze drinking that combo.

Do you mix it with jet fuel for easier melting?

The answer is no - this is bread and circuses to keep you from watching the DNC rig a primary - its not biden btw, that's a red herring.

They've already picked their winner.

You think Warren?

Also, cope more MAGAcel

Imagine thinking I'm a Trump person lol

Warren is the anointed yes, thats why they gave her those lines to read about the African American trans people or whatever.

They have insurance in place for when they can test the waters of her 23&me controversy - she may be cast aside if it is deemed too high risk.

Yikes sweaty I’m not gonna read all that

That is but a fraction of my long-posting power.

it's a lot of paragraphs, but each paragraph is only 1-2 short sentences

give it a try, maybe u'll get it

I use text to speech for longposters.

It will be Warren. The dems are too retarded to not play the woman card again. They think it's their ticket.

lmao i hope they do this its so bad

i still half expect them to wait until like nov this year and then say "boy the contenders are real weak and not resonating with the voter base! we need someone that can really rile therm up" and then hillary will be like oh fine ill do it if you insist

We're going to pack the courts.

That's an euphemism for anal sex I'm sure.

Its Clinton, of course. She will announce her bid an hour before primary and get 99% of the votes.


has he even committed a crime?

you mean aside from TREASON?

it's not tho


keep defending literal treason, you fucking piece of shit.


Time is up sweaty. You can’t shush us anymore. Pelosi. Clinton. Thunberg. Warren. Ocasio Cortez. Omar. Women are finally standing up to your bullshit and the reign of white male supremacy is fucking done. Go crawl back to your little safe space /r/the_donald .


no u






gd you got politics number accurate af

I surround myself with all sorts of retards on the political spectrum so I can impersonate them all

Treason is a crime and the penalty is death

ur mom is dead

It is not treason, it is not a crime, it is just really, really, really fucking unethical and not something that has happened, well, at all before. It definitely shows he is not up to the standard that I envision the founding fathers had for the office. Of course if you needed this incident to tell you that then I really don't know what to say. I knew nothing about Trump in 2015 and, probably like most Americans, I thought he was just another TV buisness man like Mark Cuban so I decided to give him a chance and watch one of his early New Hampshire rallies. Ten minutes of audio was enough to convince me he had nothing of value. He was just a rambling boomer making base/primal appeals like has always been.

Go away, nobody likes you and you arent funny.


Congress appropriated that money for security in Ukraine, not as leverage for Trump to punish his political opponents. It was illegal and it was a crime. No the criminal isn't going to be punished because the criminal party enjoys being above the law and being criminals.

Obstruction of the Russian investigation

Yes he has. The Republicans will ensure that the law isn't enforced though so that he gave no consequences for being a criminal.

Please direct all your comments to the official, stickied thread
This thread is now locked to spite 211sAndMacallan for being a slow poke.

user reports:
1: Yes, direct the 50 or so comments of approvedcels. Yes I’m mad.

Jews did this.


Australians also.


Make up your damn mind. And be equal and lock the other one now.

It wasn't up to me. Lawlz unstickied the other one and I was forced to act.

Cucked by Lawlz is a new low for any janny.

I guess I could have gotten into a sticky war but I figured it was time for justice for 211sAndMacallan.

And now I won't be impeached!

I rescind my offensive comment. You have my vote again.

I am humbled

Still Lawlz'd.

Me - 1

Cucks - 0

Thread unlocked


aaannnnd complete non understanding of impeachment GO!

never fails.

Eat shit


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if he does get impeached (there's a big chance that he could but dems fuck shit up all the time) the COPE and SEETHING would be through the roof.

>2+ years of a Russia investigation: bubkis

>1 week of rumors of a Ukrainian whistleblower report: IMBEACHHHHH

this is very good for dramacoin

Just so yall know - this happened because we gave MasterLawlz a day outside. Just imagine what would happen if we gave him a week?

Do it. My genitals are ready.