Imagine sliding into a gussy’s dms just to quote statistics.

119  2019-09-25 by Llamayoda


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. Imagine sliding into a gussy’s dms ... -,,

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Women have always been the primary victims of war so idk what this guy is talking about.

Based and It was her turnpilled

Now, it’s your turn brother.

Cathbol America 🤤

Conner is going to be laughed at by her and all her friends...

that's probably what gets his dick hard

Why would someone commit social suicide for internet points like this

That's literally the peak of social validation they get.

In real life they're insufferable proverbial one uppers so they quickly lose friends.

I used to work with a 19 year old who was consistently blaming whores for his own refusal to not be a pill snorting loser still living at home.

I used to work with a 19 year old who was consistently blaming whores for his own refusal to not be a pill snorting loser still living at home.

Hm well a pill habit or at least the good ones like roxys aren’t a cheap habit to maintain. That’s probably why he’s still living at home. Much easier to move out with heroin habit.

This was in Florida. Yellow school buses were dirt cheap.

It was harder to find weed that didn't float across the gulf of Mexico than it was to get pills.

> The first wound I received was my birth, which is the fault of my whore of a mother.


Time to add another brave male to the social suicide statistics

Hopefully they used a meme profile but I’m giving these mooks too much credit

asks the furry trans

Hun, that gets you bonus points nowadays.

🤔Good point.

Are you gay and black too (or at least brown)?

Nah, I fuck dudes. :v


it's a MGTOW sub none of them had a social or dating life anyway.

Because if somebody tells them they are being a fucking tard, they have even more excuses to pretend to be a victim.

I swear to god, someone could have told me that screenshot was a meme I would believe you

Girls don’t like debates because they require the use of logic and facts.

huh interesting wonder what this guy's deal is

> same user


Idk there’s something kind of chad about that level of autism

It's the mental equivalent of the Dwarven Warrior.

Securing your virginity to own the thots


Conner the Cuck.

I hate men, especially white men. I'm glad the stats show that they're all killing themselves and each other and getting blasted to pieces in wars.


It's over for men. Get used to it.

13% of Conners cause 51% of all Conner related thot crime.

This is so sad

going ypur own way? still on dating sites? thinking not being allowed to work means you're privileged? sure, king.

I often imagine DMing a girl and sending her a pic of suicide and combat casualty statistics to prove that males have no privilege.

It is the only way I can get off, in fact.

TFW when all ur statistics prove is men are terrible to each other