User gets butthurt, sues moderator, reddit, and spez

104  2019-09-25 by TheBatarang

User frenchfriedclide is an angry boy. He's filed a lawsuit in New York against reddit, the moderator who wronged him, and spez. As I gather links, I'll be posting them here.

Here's the first link, to the lawsuit.

And a post from a year ago, complaining about the moderator on /r/reportthebadmoderator.


As an abusive internet jannie who is a lawyer IRL: fucking lol.

A mod and not a NEET irl? What has drama become? 😦

This case is peak mayo fragility wrapped up in cheap burger wrapping.

The only appropriate remedy is that everyone involved should be set on fire.

based and monkpilled

Maybe they'll make it on the cover of the next Rage Against the Machine album

I thought you'd appreciate this one. Hey, how many made up words are there in that lawsuit? I thought maybe it was lawyer shit but I'm ready starting to suspect that someone was making shit up.

It reads like something put together by a very cheap lawyer.

I completely assumed that he paid his friend who flunked out of law school to write it up for him like 20 bucks and the dude was like, "Well, that's better than a days worth of tips at Starbucks." and did it.

Pretty much. It's got all the right elements in all the right places, but it's poorly written and poorly reasoned.

... ... ... i am seething that i am ruled over by ambulance chasing jannies

That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


  1. Here's the first link, to the lawsu... - Outline

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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. User gets butthurt, sues moderator,... -,,

  2. Here's the first link, to the lawsu... -,

  3. And a post from a year ago -,,

  4. /r/reportthebadmoderator -,*

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What out jannies 😏😏😏

πŸ‘ They πŸ‘πŸ» do πŸ‘πŸΏ it πŸ‘πŸ½ for πŸ‘πŸΎ free πŸ‘πŸΌ

πŸ‘πŸΌ We πŸ‘πŸΌ both πŸ‘πŸΌ know πŸ‘πŸΌ all πŸ‘πŸΌ janny πŸ‘πŸΌ hands πŸ‘πŸΌ are πŸ‘πŸΌ white πŸ‘πŸΌ

πŸ‘πŸ» Not white πŸ‘πŸ» enough πŸ‘πŸ»


This is it for spez. Surely this is the end

Finally! For too long spez has been allowing people to become beyond annoyed and harassed online!

On the other hand, the guy lost weight and if he's anything like most redditors he should probably pay spez for the fantastic weight lost plan.

The walls are closing in.

We are also requesting IMMEDIATE Motion to Compel a Retraction and/or apology on Reddit as well as by Reddit and DiggDejected for permitting this garbage outside of Reddit's own rules for almost one full year.

First, I'm pretty sure the government can't compel speech. Like, full stop. It can be a condition of settlement, sure, but the court can't order you to issue a statement like that.

Second. they didn't even higher lolyers. This is 17 pages retarded psuedo-legal spergout with boomer levels of entitlement.

There were a TON of words I thought were made up but I'm not a lawyer.

I stopped reading after they said full stop because in my experience people who use that term are retarded.

Yeah, if you're not the captain of a ship, don't ever say that.

Is this nut representing themselves or did they pay some Saul Goodman? I can't see where the law company name is.

I can locate no lawyer name, or letterhead, and it's signed by the doofuses in question. So I presume they're representing themselves. Also in forma pauperis.

Pretty good big word bluffing like they are an expert IMHO.

They've clearly done some googling. The RICO stuff is complete nonsense. Publishing even outright defamation isn't a RICO offense as far as I can understand. This law does come up pretty often in conspiracy and gangstalking communities as some sort of magic superlaw (it allows a private cause of action) that if they could just harness would allow their delusions to be publically vindicated in court, and their enemies horribly punished.

Section 230 of the CDA is actually relevant, though the arguement that Reddit is not protected by it is bunk (literally because they do it for free).

Is it true that in terms of legal gamesmanship, you make as many arguments as you can (within some limits I guess) and the ones that are rejected don't undermine your whole case unless they are all rejected?

I think so, but this is a bit outside my expertisce. In terms of initial filings, yes. You could allege that someone did three particular things, and the judge could kick one of those things, and the case could proceed for only the other two. You file for everything you think you can get, even if it's a reach, because you can't add it later. There are definitely limits though, rank bullshit is not a good idea, neither is frivolity, or pissing off a judge.

This came up in the KickVic/animejellybeangate which I've been following off and on. In that case they alleged defamation and tortious interference (they fucked with people he was doing business with to get them to stop doing business). Truth, and public figure status are not defenses to the latter, so even if the defamation is dismissed before the case goes to trial (or is defended against far later on), the other allegation can proceed. It has different criteria and standards.

It never occurs to these tards that if you could win RICO cases that easily, prosecutors would use it all the time.

frenchfriedclide gives kids diseases

I heard frenchfriedclide loves giving kids diseases.

You tryna catch a lawsuit, pal?

I'd like to see him try to take a bird to court. :v

You say on a site where people know birdlaw.

birds don't care about birdlaw, man, like, that's why they are birds

Cease this degeneracy at once.

I didn't even do anything this time, babycakes


I don't blame you for thinking that uvu

Reddit suspended that account. Lmfao.

Child endangerment is a very serious issue and I'm glad Spez rightfully punished this sick individual.

If that's true, that's horrible!

Frenchfriedclide, yes or no - have you stopped giving children diseases?

Also, have you heard of Barbara Streisand? She has quite an effect.

This is peak burger lolsuit. It's baffling to me that you can actually sue an anonymous internet account.

Like, what is the court gonna do, force reddit to unmod him?

He WANTS an apology! Not just AN apology, he wants one from spez, and from the website, and most of all he wants one from that stupid abusive mod for saying he spreads diseases to children.

They have a texting service to send them messages that doesn’t verify names, emails, or phone numbers on their 90s era website. I just sent them one about how I read in their lawsuit they spread diseases.

Fuck I also want an apology from Spez from taking away pinging. Can we class-action lawsuit his ass?

He is banking on reddit coughing up the real identity under subpoena.

Is it even a verified account?

Jannies do it for free and have the possibility of being sued....where do I sign up

Will sue for pinging!

mod him

His account is suspended.

Fantastic. I also have two turtles rn but they're about to go to a forever home. I don't want this much water in my home.

Please tell me Samuel Altman is a fake name

The Lawsuit doesn't mention Spez (Steve Huffman) but it does mention Alexis Ohanion, the other main founder.

A name I haven't heard in a long time. What does Alexis actually do nowadays?

Apart from answering millions of queries from Amazon customers.

Oh man, I interchange spez so often with alexis I didn't even realize that. Good question.

It's /r/Drama orthodoxy that all honkies are visually indistinguishable.

White nerds in tech, who can tell the difference?

You went too far man.


I didn't go far enough.

It's just a social construct.

I assure you my vagina is a godly construct.

To goys, sufficiently advanced economics is indistinguishable from magic.