
82  2019-09-25 by escargott


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I'm gonna guess that she's really fucking fat


i’m not that big ffs

Confirmation of being really fat

Yeah “not that big” it’s means your are still, at the very least, somewhat a fat fuck.

"not that big" means "I'm not the fattest person alive on Earth" and nothing more, and it's only said by fat fucks

When they say "not that big" it's like when a girl says she's slept with 3 guys. You multiply by three and add 5. Not that big =/= obese.

He had no choice dude she was forced to be fat

The lesson here is never talk to fat women.

This is the true lesson we must all learn.

This minus the fat part

Most men learn that lesson during puberty.

I've known one fat woman in my life who wasn't awful. All others hae been terrible.



and this guy orders a lettuce wrap with a side of salad and a water

He cares about his appearance, oh no! Being fat is a giant middle finger to all the people who have to look at you, it's like wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a rotting corpse. Fat women are worse because they think they have value.

That was my favorite reply too.

Do you even need to ask

Leggo Preggos Eggos

She is a walking stereotype of a white whale.

fatty fat fat FATTY

holy shit all the landwhales talking about times people thought they were pregnant.

Had a woman on a subway in China literally offer her seat to me because she thought I was pregnant. All I had was some belly pudge showing through a really shapeless dress. Standards in China must be super strict if that's what fat is.

uhh yeah...china must be like, super strict lol.......

All I had was some belly pudge showing through a really shapeless dress.

Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but does this mean that the hamplanet's wearing what's basically a tepee and STILL showing her pudge?

This is unrelated to the post, but over the past two or so years, I lost about 145 pounds, all natty. There is no group of people that cope and seethe over the fact more than women. They will insist that there's a secret. I tell them no, they just need to eat less. They explode with rage. Then, I demonstrate to them that I can maintain my weight and eat two (2) king size candy bars in a row. This sends them into an incorrectable fury. They never admit defeat and they never admit that the easy, simple, solution is to just eat less.

I'm not sure why, I just felt compelled to share that.

Thanks for reading my semi-seriouspost.

Yes but also help how to do it while maintaining a steady diet of Bang, Binge drinking, and firehouse subs/cookout

This is unrelated to the post, but over the past two or so years, I gained about 34 pounds of muscle, all natty. There is no group of people that cope and seethe over the fact more than women. They will insist that there's a secret. I tell them no, they just need to eat less, lift more. They explode with rage. Then, I admit to them that I can increase mass while losing fat by drinking 10 mL of my own fresh semen. They immediately begin to blow me, but I don't get fully erect. This sends them into an incorrectable fury. They never admit defeat and they never admit that the easy, simple, solution is to just eat less, lift more.

I'm not sure why, I just felt compelled to share that.

Thanks for reading my semi-seriouspost.