Kotakucel writes article about watching gay ...ming porn. Includes porn of child Link and preteen Pokemon Rangers in her article, comment section cancels her for exposing them to gamertarianism

231  2019-09-25 by CapeshitterCOPE


I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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Why does this label think anyone will,wants or was going to care about her opinion on animated porn

Starts with F,

and rhymes with droid;

her thoughts and views

you wont avoid.

To the internet she posts with glee,

without a care for you and me.

Craving attention,

demanding respect,

while whining online

with betabux to collect.

No one will oppose,

or try to depose,

the revered feminine aspect

This is some motherfuckin Shakespeare.

Poem for your sperg

Thank you Pizzashill, very cool!

I love how the comments are just roasting the Wall gussy i wish it happened more often

Editor’s Note

We can do better, and we will.

and yet their site is still up

When you write for Kotaku the best you can hope to do is to not drink yourself to death tonight.

When you write for Kotaku the best you can hope to do is to not drink yourself to death tonight.

That’s the best we can hope for tho


We began with some extremely terrible Harry Potter porn. My friend and I are both into Harry Potter


, as much as you can be now that the author has turned out to be a trans-exclusionary feminist who clumsily retcons diversity into her work.

Since when is Rowling a terf?

Probably since twitter demanded she reveal trans characters and she said there weren’t any or something.

Who the hell would be trans when you can just magic yourself into the opposite gender and pretend you've always been a girl?

That would make them trans.

They'd lie and say they've always been this way.

Yeah most trans people don’t go out of their way and disclose their status, they just wanna be whatever gender.

Doesn’t mean they aren’t trans

Yeah but if you could literally change your chromosomes it'd be a little bit different.

Is there some fundamental misunderstanding of what being trans is? They were born one gender and they transitioned to another.

I really don't want to discuss Wandshit but if magic existed trans people as an idea wouldn't exist. If you could just magic yourself into a woman there'd be no trannies. They'd literally be women.

So yeah you do have a fundamental misunderstanding of what being trans is.

Trannies have gender disphoria. If they could literally turn into females with the help magic they'd no longer feel that disphoria.

They would need that dysphoria to transition magically

Many alleviate dysphoria or eliminate it with the transitioning methods we have now, that doesn’t mean they stop becoming trans

If you're gonna discuss this you need to take into account that transwomen ≠ women. Biological women are fundenentally different from trannies. So in a world where a tranny could become a biological woman they'd be a biological woman. Not a transwoman.

The literal criteria to be trans is transitioning even if it was magically done they would be trans women irregardless to them being identical to a cis woman because they were still born a man.

In the real world we don’t need to make that distinction for xx chromosomes, but you better believe even if we had sci-fi gene editing dramatards would still be reeing about trannies tricking them into being gay

Nah dude she actually hates trannies

Some white women are alright I guess

everybody do

Not even close to what happened

She likes and follows a number of terfs on twitter, also while she is quick to correct people when they said she was a Tory because she criticized Labour but she won’t correct a bunch of people thinking she is a TERF.

Not exactly definitive, but I don’t care she wrote terribly dumb books so I’m totally willing to call her a terrible and dumb person.

TERFs are based though.

How? The only reason they hate trans people is because they believe they're still men. And they hate men, in case you couldn't tell. Retard.

Hating moids is just as based as hating foids.

How? The only reason they hate trans people is because they believe they're still men.

Where's the lie?

I'm so proud of you for standing up to that transphobic subreddit arrdrama, sweetums

suck ma dick fagot

How? The only reason they hate trans people is because they believe they're still men.

Still Based

And they hate men, in case you couldn't tell. Retard.

Moids get the axe too

hating men

So what's the problem here?


thanks 4 recognizing tha hustle fam

Rowling has said/done a few things on Twitter that make her /ourgirl/

Finally, Harry got into the girls’ dormitory to get a blowjob from Ginny (impossible, since it’s enchanted against boys—the dormitory, that is, not Ginny’s vagina).

I don't think she knows how blowjobs work.

Or the differences between charms, hexes and seals. Smh.


I left my friend’s house covered in dog hair, drunk from the beers, and potentially put off sex forever.

Every single white woman.

Tee hee I got drunk from beers and had sex tee hee

WOOOaaaaaHHHHhhh I think someone put something in the apple juice! [Hic]

I drink wine!!!!!

This entire thing is so incredibly incompetent on every level that it's funny as fuck.

Of all the readerbases to show loli too, why would you think kotaku would be forgiving of it?