New Call Of Duty gets #canceled after Activision makes a deal with Sony to make a game mode PS4 exclusive for an entire year

46  2019-09-26 by escargott


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. New Call Of Duty gets #canceled aft... -,

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This is what happens when you don't vote with your wallet.

I have realized there is always a new generation of gullible retards to replace people who stop paying for garbage.

Shit, they are still making those?

They're just keep remaking the old ones but loading them with microtransactions now.

CoD players are probably the worst of all gaymers

This is what you ger for still buying cod

The weird-bearded brit primary character is an end-game bad guy and a POC woman uncovers his scheme.

As long as that ultra rich percentage of players pay over and over for extra shit they're not gonna stop lol

Gaymers fall for the same shit for the 80th time, pretend to be outraged, go back to getting bussy blasted by corporations like the degenerate coomers they are

Every year these gaymers bitch about the same thing and then the game comes out and it's still a smash hit. Same thing happens on FIFA, Madden, Assassin's Creed, etc.

Yet all these faggots can't get over their addiction for one year.

Every now and then I boot up cod4 on my PC and people are still populating the servers.

The game has barely changed since 2007 besides increasing the cacophony of bullshit on your screen. These gamertarians could still just play their "old school" cod if they wanted to.

Nothing is going to change because they will just keep buying them.