Some people discover GC. Bonus drama all around.

86  2019-09-26 by 2Manadeal2btw


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  1. Some people discover GC. Bonus dram... -,,

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Check out Shinigami Eyes on Chrome. It's an extension that will color code pro- and anti-trans people and sites. Green is good, red is bad.

Fucking giga autism

Is r/Drama classified?

shinigami eyes

So it halves your lifespan lmfao




I feel blessed

Oof, they really didn't think that name through.

Lmao how did these retards not realize this?

they did realize it.

The fuck are shinigami eyes? I thought it was sharingan or something

Death note

In death note whenever a human comes into possession of a death note they can also make a deal to take the eyes of the shinigami, which lets them see the exact names, death dates, and causes of death of everyone around them except themselves and other death note users.

It also means they give half their lifespan to the shinigami


shinigami literally means gods of death in japanese

but its probably a reference to some anime knowing trannies

Nah, 40% off tho

also fuck off weeb

Watching one of the most popular anime doesn’t make someone a weeb lol

ok weeb keep telling yourself that

And of course it's a chapotard.

It's the unholy combination of troon, chapo, and anime.

I can smell them from here.

Thats actually really creepy lmao

As another cis person who wants to be educated on trans subjects I recommend subscribing to r/asktransgender

This is like getting educated about politics from the_donald 😂

Or getting educated about heart surgery from obese smokers.

How do I get dates? r/askreddit

Just be yourself!

You can't go around telling cumbox generators to be themselves because they'll just make more cumboxes.

Ok but the ones who act like this aren’t attractive

I was just showing off what the average lesbian looks like. If you disagree, you're a bigot

TERFs aren't feminists, barely even human

They're just authoritarians concerned about "liberation"

Even chapo vs Nazi arguments aren't this dramatic most of the time.

Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists aren’t feminists

Hot take right there

The transtrenders will be a never-ending fountain of drama once they realize what a bill of goods they've been sold.

Terfs aren't feminists, they are barely even human

Well I'm glad we're not resorting to melodrama lmfao

The fuckin OP of that thread is a thieving bitch -- thats the top post of all time on /r/actuallesbians which is a sub mostly moderated by trans women now so.. i dunno

It was good for a few years, back when Greenduch ran the show

r/gendercritical is the only feminist space on reddit not moderated entirely by people who were born male. There's a lesson there. When something is new and different, fear it and run away.

arent like 50% of the users on /r/actualesbians trannies
