Regardless of dick size, always tell women you have a small penis. If it's true then they're prepared, if it's a lie them they're pleasantly surprised.
While I'm sure having a big dick has its draw backs, it doesn't carry any where near the same social stigma.
Big penises are lauded and praised as the height of male sexuality and masculinity. While small dicks are shamed and ridiculed as useless and worthless. The kind of shaming that's widely acceptable. No one is ever insulted by insinuating they have a big dick. But suggest someone has a small dick, the shame and embarrassment is clear and palpable. The message is clear, "your small dick makes your lesser".
I wonder how many of the men who suffer those big penis draw backs would trade for a smaller than average member.
I remember once trying to make the link between penis size and breast size on, in defense of small dicks. But the women were very quick to point out that the two are widely different. That penises have a central role in intercourse, whereas breasts are just for looking at. That very few women are into small dicks the way so many men are into small boobs.
And from my personal perspective, as a black male, that look of shock and confusion on women's faced when i have unclothed myself, when they see I'm small, it really kills me inside. It hurts, just to think of it right now typing.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-09-26
homosexuals reproduce by raping kids
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1 ManBearFridge 2019-09-26
Why would they turn away one of their own?
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-09-26
its because i spoke the truth
1 Trappys_balls 2019-09-26
Tell the truth, its cause you dont have a problem with your small dick isnt it?
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-09-26
honestly i have an average dick. Nothing to brag about. Unless i was with a midget, then it would look huge.
2 Trappys_balls 2019-09-26
This is cope.
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2019-09-26
Midgets have normal sized genitals
1 Corporal-Hicks 2019-09-26
naw i saw a midget stripper just recently and her vag was tiny. She was also on a ton of heroin so i dont know if that had anything t odo with it
1 SymboIicCyanide 2019-09-26
It's like I always say.
Having a small dick is a state of mind, as well as a state of physical deformity.
1 somestupidname1 2019-09-26
Regardless of dick size, always tell women you have a small penis. If it's true then they're prepared, if it's a lie them they're pleasantly surprised.
1 byobombs 2019-09-26
Under promise, over deliver
1 Whaddaulookinat 2019-09-26
Under budget and ahead of schedule
1 5T48J6ff 2019-09-26
Thanks for your post here.
While I'm sure having a big dick has its draw backs, it doesn't carry any where near the same social stigma.
Big penises are lauded and praised as the height of male sexuality and masculinity. While small dicks are shamed and ridiculed as useless and worthless. The kind of shaming that's widely acceptable. No one is ever insulted by insinuating they have a big dick. But suggest someone has a small dick, the shame and embarrassment is clear and palpable. The message is clear, "your small dick makes your lesser".
I wonder how many of the men who suffer those big penis draw backs would trade for a smaller than average member.
I remember once trying to make the link between penis size and breast size on, in defense of small dicks. But the women were very quick to point out that the two are widely different. That penises have a central role in intercourse, whereas breasts are just for looking at. That very few women are into small dicks the way so many men are into small boobs.
And from my personal perspective, as a black male, that look of shock and confusion on women's faced when i have unclothed myself, when they see I'm small, it really kills me inside. It hurts, just to think of it right now typing.
1 AnkleJub 2019-09-26
1 Stenwalden 2019-09-26
"Sorry, this aint the micropenis sub. Have you considered becoming a woman?"
1 CMDR-FusionCor3 2019-09-26
Manlet and dicklet eugenics when?
1 CapeshitterCOPE 2019-09-26