Catholic bishop does AMA on 'God and religion'. Some real early 2000's r/Atheism throwback hours ensue.

137  2019-09-27 by Matues49


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People with PCOS who are too fat to defend themselves or run away are fun to abuse. I like to take a spoon, heat it up until it's glowing hot, then place it on the skin while they're asleep. The reaction when they wake up after the 25th time of being burned by a redhot piece of metal is amazing. You can literally piecemeal their mental stability down to complete insanity, then leave them in their own homes helpless and alone. :DDDDDDDDDD


  1. Catholic bishop does AMA on 'God an... -,,

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Has Kik shutdown already?

Not yet, but it's coming soon, within the next few days.

Guys like this dude are one of the reasons I left the church.

How is this not worth no strings attached anal sex?

Are you mad you weren't pretty enough?

Don't abandon God just because of one particular view of what she is.


It's somewhat complicated. But in that realm, there is no gender, and what some people call "god" or "allah" or "ganesha" have no gender

If you think about it, Christian God definitely behaves in a very feminine fashion, what with constant shit-tests, unprovoked jealousy, overreacting and playing the victim, all the stuff.

"You know Job, your most devoted follower? What if I burn his house down and murder his family?"

"Haha sounds good"

lol k

Get real, you left because the church disapproves of masturbation and because Sunday mass cuts into your gamer hours

You left the church because you say a bishop doing an AMA?

God hates Reddit.

That's one of the biggest misconceptions about that which people call "god".

It doesn't hate.

That sounds like new age Christian faggotry.

Are you sure they didn't kick you out?

These threads are why I default sort by controversial. Good shit.

8,545 points (65% upvoted)


Well it says Suffering Church and not suffering victims so...

These are the retards who try to debate Christians

Holy fuck sort by controversial lol

100% child rape accusations

You managed to catch a McFluff seriouspost in that screenshot too. Nice šŸ˜Ž

Oh shit this is the one I actually wanted to link, he started fighting back lol

Mod this boomer.

note the redditor did not deny the beating

Boomer priest snaps back with a classic boomer loaded question.

I think he was trying to rhetorically demonstrate he was being asked a compound question, but that's too subtle for most of Reddit.

Thatā€™s legitimately based and catholic-pilled

the article being downvoted

Classic Reddit.

Lmao mcfluffy is in there soewibg word-for-word shit I would type if I was LARPing as a leftie faggot


critique the dogmatism of the church, but dont lose your salvation.

As far as the Catholic Church is concerned Iā€™m confirmed.

Lol you think you aren't going to burn in hell

t. smoothbrained redittard atheist



Please stop being vague and dump the multi page spergout about Catholics so we can all laugh at you

Well Iā€™m agnostic since Iā€™m not dumb enough to think I have answers that arenā€™t knowable. Just to start the Catholic Church even though to closest thing to Christian there is, evangelicals and SBs arenā€™t, cannot be valid until they release the rest of the unedited gospel texts including the gospel of the one true apostle Mary Magdalene.


There hasn't been a true Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church since the devil's handiwork in the Second Vatican Ecumenical Confrence cmv

Hell is only hell because you're there.

I knew there was something tremendously off about you, imagine not believing in a 10,000 plus year old re-hashed, stolen, stew of a religion. Inshallah.

Ironic that someone collecting child rape screenshots is hosting them on discord

calling a fetus a child is anti-scientific

Lol did I miss some massive conference from all the world's top scientists saying "we ran some tests and it turns out a 3 month fetus was found to be definitely 100% not a baby"?

Cut the parasite cord and see how it fares. Donā€™t even have to remove it.

Fail to give a newborn titmilk for a few days and see how it fares. Don't even have to take it out of a bassonet.

Not even remotely the same thing.

Baby murdering COPE

Why not? Children cannot survive on their own, so why are they not parasites.

Children are parasites tho

Newborn can survive for one or two days. A 3-month fetus can survive for a minute, tops.

Take the cocks out of your ears and you stop being retarded.

Nobody even demanded an apology for the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. It's like the damn zoomers don't even care anymore.

Huguenots arent people, no apology needed

Get out of here you damn papist.


Jim, you can renounce yourself as Catholic all you want, but if you're baptized, I'm afraid you're a member of Christ's mystical body forever.

Sorry Jim šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

This is why the Amish are the only religion thatā€™s consensual.

Every encounter I have with atheists brings me closer to God.

I don't think he exists, but I'm willing to pretend just to spite internet atheists.

I think that's the crux of Jordan peterson's message.

Quintessentially radical centrist.

Reddit didn't exist before 2006 ya pleb.

Letā€™s see him come to the lower shankill and say that to me face

Being an atheist edgelord has gotten way more acceptable on reddit again, compared to like 3-5 years ago. Back then it seemed like everyone was mocking them but somehow itā€™s popular again to talk about ā€œimaginary friendā€ and ā€œsky daddiesā€.

Internet atheists and socialists are the two groups that turn me into a reactionary

The hate was inside you all this time sweaty

Hell is spending eternity with those people.

I think the mythology of the church is frankly ridiculous, but I am happy to see youā€™ve sorted by controversial and dove in here. Christlike behavior priestman, more brave authenticity than most.

Reddit boys are lining up for communion.

saw the thread earlier but didn't click on it. I knew it would be a shitshow and I could just wait for a bit to read the highlights on here.

Important but often overlooked distinction here. Atheists don't typically behave this way. Now anti-theists on the other hand are aggressively unlikable. I'm sure many actual atheists are frustrated beyond belief to be painted with the same brush as these clowns. Kinda like most christians are when lumped in with Joel Osteen or the westboro baptist church.