Right-wing bigots on r/ShitNeoconsSay arguing over who can be the most bigoted on abortion. This time, the farthest-right person is pro-abortion, while the "center"-right-wing person is pro-life fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

30  2019-09-27 by FuckNaziCapitalists


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Jews did this


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That thread is brilliant.

It’s seriously incredible. On the one ha d you have: a fundamentalist pro-life right wing gay man, and on the other a eugenicist pro-abortion traditionalist. It’s beautiful. It’s cring-y but I think I want an edit of the PebbleThrow comic with the tug war confusion showing these two.

This is an awesome find, yeah.

fuck nazi capitalists using the word bigot unironcly fffffffff

The most is good but you have to go back

“Pretending that you have any leg to stand on in is hilarious. You flaunt your degeneracy, and then have the absolute gall to lecture others on morality.”

New quote please.

What fresh hell is this?