Uh oh. According to the ADL, pitties are now hate symbols.

118  2019-09-27 by 2Manadeal2btw


Ew you go to KiA

They have good drama, because they are perpetually seething.

Especially when they revolt against the moderators.

If it’s for drama I’ll allow it

Especially when they revolt against the moderators.

Ah yes, that weekly event. Too bad their jannies and users are too retarded to ever take the upper hand from the other group.

Everybody has their guilty pleasures. KIAtards for example like to jerk it to children.

It's not a guilty pleasure if you don't feel guilty.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. Uh oh. According to the ADL, pittie... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao “HATE” is a hate symbol

Hmm H8 is symbol, like all words, and it means "hate", I'm sorry incel, tgis checks out.

Could have sworn white supremacists hate pit bulls. I know I certainly do.

Constantly comparing bite stats to crime stats, etc. and saying how ugly they are 🤷🏽‍♂️

ADL confirmed retarded boomers.

Blacks own a lot of pit bulls also so idk

I am certain that Clown World and other subs used to post pics of happy white families with Golden Retrievers. Golden Retrievers are the hate symbol, not pibbles.

That has the exact same face as the pitbull graphic from ADL 😲

They should make it cats. I could totally see a cat being racist.

Cats would fucking hate Chinese people.

That's understandable tho

Everybody knows that the chinaman is a house cats natural predator.

It’s complicated. Yanks and crunchy mayos think pibbles are black people dogs and a lot of interest groups have sort of tacitly approved of this connotation because it opens up the dog racism angle.

The really hardcore Deep South and multi-generation mayo supremes probably remember or come from dogman families themselves, so they perceive pibbles as something they had a hand in creating.

There is still publicly available history, but it’s mostly limited to expensive special interest literature or disorganized pdf scans. Not exactly quick and fun reading.

So if you think ANTIFA are retarded larpers you are a hater? Lmao

But if you're anti-anti-fascist that must mean you're pro-fascist. It's in the name!

Pitbulls being associated with such types is an old school skinhead thing, long before Pit Mommies existed.

wtf i love the ADL now

The ADL still sucks but this is pretty funny

thanks for telling me whats hateful adl id hate to have to look for context or meaning myself

No Pibble ever called me Chud

That fucking pepe though

Alright, who's gonna break it to geauxhouston22?

Oopsie! Now I dont know what to believe. I'm pro hate, but anti pibble. What's the correct course of action, /drama/?

Since the word 'hate' is a hate symbol ADL is clearly a white supremacist organisation because they use the H-word so much.