"MuH MaStEr RaCe" member decides to scream the gaymer word repeatedly in the middle of a drug store. Alt-right incels finally have found their dream woman.

85  2019-09-27 by ArlenBilldozer



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. "MuH MaStEr RaCe" member decides to... - archive.org, archive.today

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Lmao that guy walking between them like nothing is happening

Oh never mind if you turn up the volume you hear him say “come on lady, take a break”

Hahaha, that was like something you'd hear some pedestrian in GTA say

He missed a golden opportunity to drop a "Ma'am, this is a CVS/Walgreens."

He should have decked her and then he’d be a hero for punching a Nazi and get free leftie bussy

Chapo check

10 of 211sAndMacallan's last 616 comments (1.62%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Sep. 27, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 177.

Oh there he is


Ugh, god.

Ugh, god.

Why didn’t the bot come

It did.

If the law didn't say I couldn't kill the niggers, they would all be dead.

I think if I was capable of single-handedly committing genocide of millions of people you probably wouldn't find me driving myself to Walgreen's.

If I had the Deathnote that would be so lit.

I’d be dictator of the world in no time.

Watch 👏 another👏 anime

You have recommendations? I’m new to anime. I liked death note and yu yu hakusho and loved hunter x hunter

Since you seem to like mainstream shounen:

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - probably the most universally beloved anime aside from NGE (you're not ready for that one). It gets like perfect 10 ratings everywhere you look. If you like this one, check out a movie called Sword of the Stranger

Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) - this one also tries to be a political thriller, but often fails. The fight scenes are pretty insane though

Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academy) - season 4 starts in like 2 weeks, so you can easily catch-up and watch weekly new eps with the rest of us

Sweet I’ll check them out

God, both of you disgust me.

Says the furry

jannie furry gimmickposter

Literally no room to talk.

That's the saddest part of this. They still have the moral high ground.


I only have like 2k episodes watched, so I'm barely scraping at casual viewership. There are some real degenerates losers with like 10k episodes watched

Two thousand 20-minute episodes of anime roughly comes out as a solid month of your 80 year lifespan spent watching weebshit. Please reconsider your life choices. Óvò

drama poster accusing others of wasting their lives

How much of your life have you spent on furry role play?

Zero, honestly.

STFU weaboo


B-baka! >\\\<

jesus christ the absolute fucking STATE of this sub's users.

weebs OUT OUT OUT.


We were so concerned about chapo and mde refugees coming in we forgot about the worst ones of all.

You’ll probably like jojos bizarre adventure since it’s a series where most of the fights are about outsmarting each other.

Fate/zero is good and if you like that you can watch fate/stay night:unlimited blade works.

Maybe watch the original 90s berserk anime. And if you don’t know anything about berserk skip the first episode.

Gurren Lagann is basically the complete opposite of death note in that it’s pure dumb hype but it’s a short series and will help you determine what your tastes are.

Also in JoJo they know how to appreciate the male form. 🤤

The only drama-approved weebery

I liked Steins;gate a lot. Any suggestions on what else I should watch?

Time travel and altering fate: Erased

More mature themes beyond skinny anime twinks punching each other, check out:

Mob Psycho 100 (this is more of a comedy), Perfect Blue, Spirited Away, Durarara, and Zankyou no Terror (highly recommend those last 2). If you haven't watched Cowboy Bebop already, you should do that first before anything else.

Thanks, I'll start with Cowboy Bebop. Ive heard good things but wasn't sure if it was just nostalgia hype or not.

As a teenager, I didn't like it at all, kind of hated it actually. But when I got older I grew to really appreciate it. It might help to try out some less mature shows and generic dramas/shounen, so once you get to Bebop, you'll appreciate it a bit more. The lead and music director behind bebop also did Zankyou no Terror, which, while not the best anime ever, it's still pretty much perfect.

I’m new to anime.

The mod team will discuss the possibility of banning you at the next meeting.

Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It's a great show. Not just a great anime, but a legitimately amazing series.

How has no-one mentioned Boku no Pico. Also Futabu is good.

Look at what you've done.

She’s doxxed on that thread. Bitch may wanna look into moving real soon lmao

I don't get it, I'm not familiar with black twitter gif culture.

It's because she started chanting, if you're being serious

So did he bull leave her or something

Eh, she's no Bagel Bro.

Doxed on twitter, fine though because because she's having a mental breakdown.

Laughing like a hyena for this whole video. The fucking guy coming through like "bro what?" totally sealed it. Racist lady for president.