Dicklets rise up in /r/breadtube.

104  2019-09-27 by zsfh


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Jews did this


  1. Dicklets rise up in /r/breadtube. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Yeah agreed. This is like saying "lmao Nazi's are ugly".

Your worth isn't determined by beauty or penis size. That's exactly the kind of shit Nazi's believe. We shouldn't go along with Nazi logic in order to shame Nazi's.


Beyond COPE right there

Standing on the scale and can't see your peener cope.

Oh are we bringing lawlz into this?

It's all good man. It's about BDE. Big dick energy.


This is the cope of the century.

Dicklets lmao

I can't believe it tinder users are nazis

I have a smaller penis and I think this us hurtful. I am not a bigot in any way and I have been teased for it before.


He might as well embrace the dickletness and become someone's sissy.

The true horseshoe is that both sides have tiny penises (theyโ€™re probably average but look at a lot of porn) that they constantly cope over

Not to plug like a male feminist in an unconsenting hole but I made a sub called r/madsmalldickredditor for posting instances where people do this. I hope if enough people start using it left and right winged dicklets will start complaining about it

You not only mod a sub, but you created one?

May Allah strike you

Anything to make fun of dicklets

And I thought I was retarded.

Dicklets are cute and prime pegging material :>


I would rather just have them wear a chastity cage while I force them to watch me fuck a Chad

They eat their own.

There is more genetic diversity within a race than between them

This is the world's dumbest argument, by far.

Thereโ€™s a kernel of truth to that, a black male is more similar to a white male genetically than other black males and vice versa.

How that applies to dicklets, I have no idea. Most stats Iโ€™ve read have been pretty consistent on the racial-dicklet-omater

Thereโ€™s a kernel of truth to that

But when you restate it plainly, it sounds retarded. What they're saying is something to the effect of "The average white man and average chinaman are more similar than if you looked at two different chinamen."

True on its face, but also fucking meaningless, because obviously individual samples are more unique than averages. Anybody who's taken stats knows this.

Guys we are responsible for brigading, we should feel bad

Being average would be bad enough, but idk what I would do if I had like a 4 inch cock. I'd probably just end it all

Yes, that sub is to show the irony of the white supremacist. I've namedrop this sub to shut down white supremacists that said something along this line - "antifa are all fat SJW, we are a movement comprised of gym bros."

imagine being 12 years old and thinking this is remotely believable