Filthy homeless mayo ooggles flip out over in /r/skoolies over mods allegedly sympathizing with the pigs.

28  2019-09-28 by Satansbigsausage


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Filthy homeless mayo ooggles flip o... -,,

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"Something to note: If this is your primary living space, you can get a mortgage. Check with your lender."

Have you or a loved one ever wondered, how can I lock in a mortgage with a rolling high maintenance deprecating asset as my primary residence?

"Short buses have extra costs to repairing them if they are van front - many mechanics will, "No thank you," or charge an arm or a leg for repairs."

Has nothing to do with the backyard up fitting of living space amenities into an already cramped heavy chassis no way that could be why.

Or certainly not the whole aspect of someone living out of their commercial vehicle with no business tied to the registration to at least pretend you'll get paid for services rendered.

That sub, and vandwellers, should be read in the prospective that the users are either trust fund hippies or homeless. Either way, bucket shitters.

It's really disturbing that they won't even recognize the legitimacy of why police would take special interest in them. Someone who has devoted their life to being transient and traveling in a school bus just screams would-be child molester.

Instead they're trying to sweep it all under some warmed-over borrowed police oppression narrative. However much attention the police are paying to these antisocial weirdos, it's probably not enough.

It's also worth noting that as /r/dramas resident vandweller, nearly 95pct of people in busses/vans/rvs under the age of 50 have illegal drugs or warrants.

dafuk is a ooggles

Oogle is a trainhopper word that means rich white kid posers at war with their Dads, rather than being there for the lifestyle. It is also used in similar dirtbag/hippie/bus-dwelling/trimmigrent circles. It’s an accurate way to describes half of the dirtbags out there, which leads to pretty funny accusations and shade getting tossed out.

trainhopper? what like a hobo?

why dont you just use regular words that you don't have to go on to explain when interacting with normal people? we aren't all super well-versed in the lore of Hobo Joe Junkpan, the minutia of how his signature looked like a little bird wearing a hat, or the secret hobo codes and signs that comes along with it all.

Learning new words is fun you jackass

it is if they're words and not the grain-alcohol induced jibberish of a toothless transient codified into absurd hobo jargon

Learning hobo code is fun.

Forgive me. I often forget how tainted my soul is by my career, lifestyle, the region that I live in, and my unhealthy fascination with deviant subcultures.

some of us don't like the taste of boot

I wish they'd get some new catchphrases. Reading this exact phrase for the 10,000,000th time is just boring.