Orange Man Bad versus Orange Fan Sad, now with more Florida Man!

40  2019-09-28 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


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  1. Orange Man Bad versus Orange Fan Sa... -,,

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Why do mongs think that voting for someone means you support them

Radical centrist take: Dementia Daddy almost certainly did impeachment worthy shit, but the fact that leftoids have been screeching about impeachment since before he took office they've blown their credibility and won't be able to sway many people, even if they're actually right this time.

I was reading some article off of Google news this morning that was like, "Impeach Trump for everything, not just Ukraine". Dems are the masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Let's be real though, outside of Nixon literally hiring people to commit robbery most presidents have done something that could be angled as an impeachable offense.

Just look at the dumbshit that happened to Clinton.

They were jealous they couldn't also get a blow job in the Oval Office

You’re beyond dumb - a lot of people who support him don’t give a shit about his personality. They support him because they don’t want democratic policies to become law.

I'm no expert but this is super plausible and probably makes sense for anyone who's not on TD but instead has a life.

I've heard that a lot from my IRL friends that support Daddy.

This is my favorite one out of the thread.

"He's a cult of personality"

"We don't care about his personality!"

The irony of not knowing what that meant.

Most people voting for him don’t particularly like him.

Saw Florida off and give it to the the oceans gods as repentance

This is nice. These Right vs Left dramas are becoming my equivalent of sitting on the porch with a nice breeze and a cold beer. Not great, not the best, but nice.
