Computer, show me the most intelligent takes on fatherhood in this sector

64  2019-09-28 by Drama_Bridge_Crew

Put the data onscreen


Male reproduction is inherently parasitic, I don't say that to be mean, it's just a statement of facts: Males contribute fewer calories to the production of the next generation even down to conception.

Computer, upload this data to our snappy program right away.

So they feel like they've accomplished something while doing nothing

Someone please run a scan for self-awareness.


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Computer, show me the most intellig... -,,

  2. onscreen -,

  3. data -,

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These gimmick accounts are getting out of hand.

Scanning for signs of intelligent life... ... ... ... Scan complete. No intelligent lifeforms detected.

Setting phasers from cope to seethe.

Femoids shame men who want a family, kek.

Morale is as old as Earth - never ever associate with a femoid beyond emotionless intercourse.

These people are so sad.

Where is she wrong though?

In assuming that the desire to procreate is somehow fundamentally different in moids and foids. It's all produced by the blind mindless god azathoth, the people who wanted to procreate ended up being our ancestors, the people who didn't, didn't.

Oh, I was looking at the second link. It is true that men's contribution to reproduction is nutting.

Male reproduction is inherently parasitic, I don't say that to be mean, it's just a statement of facts: Males contribute fewer calories to the production of the next generation even down to conception

This but unironically

Based. Hook all moids up to milking machines and lock them up.

Now THAT is a take