Pot meets kettle as Parisiancels debate over Greta telling everyone to stop paying attention to her

19  2019-09-28 by CapeshitterCOPE


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What if you agree with her but still make fun of her spergouts

You have ascended. Inshallah brother, death to extremists. Centrism shall win

On the one hand I agree, on the other hand A screeching autist is the worst possible spokesperson for climate action and will prevent a lot of people taking it seriously.

lmao that video her going off script

she’s not even average and I’m discounting points for autism, of course

Not gonna lie I feel bad for her. Imagine having your parents push you into going in front of the entire fucking world. Normally I'd make fun of someone like this, but not a child 😢

Someone think of the upper class White Western women!