Iowa reporter who exposed racist tweets fired for own tweets

187  2019-09-28 by YHofSuburbia


So when does he learn to code?

The paper probably is unfair in firing him. But, this is what cancel culture is. People raise a huge stink knowing that the company/organization is going to throw someone under the bus rather than deal with the PR headache. Now he knows.

I'm almost certain the editors just glad they can blame someone else.

Of course. That's how people know their dog piling and call outs are going to work. Now, if everyone got enraged every time it happened as they did, in this case, it may stop. But, usually, people are happy to see it when it happens to the other side.

No way is this wrong. This retard decided to, for literally no reason, bring up """"'racist""""" jokes that were quotes from fucking tosh.0 of all things

If that's the way he was told to write articles (examine someone's social media) and the editors okayed what he wrote, then he did his job. In an ideal world, people shouldn't be fired for doing their jobs the way they were told and getting it approved by higher-ups. that's why call-out culture and canceling sucks. It doesn't depend on people doing the right thing, it depends on their doing the most convenient thing.

In writing his profile, Calvin said he decided to include just a “brief mention of these tweets and his apology at the bottom of this profile, after the glowing synopsis of his charity.” The reporter said he felt an obligation to share the information he’d uncovered with the public, but thought he did so in a “thoughtful” way that showed the tweets no longer showed King’s worldview.

It's not like they forced him to publish it. Anyone with a shred of sense should realize that digging up Tosh.0 jokes that someone quoted 8 years ago as a child and putting them in a feel-good puff piece about charity is not proper journalism. He's a shit stirring little twerp who wrote for BuzzFeed and Vice. May he be beaten in the streets like a dog, inshallah.

Honestly this was a real dumb move in Iowa. He'll almost certainly never work in Des Moines again, and will probably never work in the state again. He might find a sub-minimum wage freelancing gig in Minneapolis, but there just aren't enough aggressively woke publications in the Midwest with reader bases large enough to afford taking on somebody like this. He's generated enough ill will to never again work for a place that relies on locals and yokels to keep their lights on.

It's off to Chicago or the coast if he still wants to write nonsense for a living.

He'll almost certainly never work in Des Moines again, and will probably never work in the state again.

Sounds like a reward to me.

Yeah, he's an asshole.

He wasn't fired for doing his job, he was fired for having racist/sexist/homophobic posts in his own social media

lol, I forgot about those. Though it seems like everyone hates call-out culture but we don't want to stop doing it. Companies and organizations need to start treating employees and sponsees like human beings. If it's wrong to go through a person's tweets and dig up shit for them to get fired, then it's wrong when it happened this time. The mobs on twitter should be ignored, not empowered. I don't care about this piece of shit reporter, it's just an observation.

Though Twitter retardation is good for drama, so.....

I agree cancel culture is retarded but I'm not upset this loser lost his job after participating in it.

me neither

''B...b....b...... cancel culture doesn't exist.'', it cried in delusion.

Fuck this shit.

Two people have gotten in shit for racist jokes and yet I have gotten read none of the actual jokes. Google is useless.

They were Tosh.0 jokes. They can't be all that spicy.

Niggers, amirite?

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Absolutely fucking beautiful.

Fuck that journalist.

Mods pls sticky this thread

lol always white people

The solution is for white people to be banned from the internet, voting, and holding any sort of job beyond menial labor or clerical work. They also must not be allowed to leave the household without the supervision of their PoC guardian.

How much beer is a years supply?

At least 4 24-packs a week for the average frat bro

I drink a fifth a day. That’s 25.361 oz of 40% ABV which is 10.1444 oz of pure alcohol a day. That’s 3,702.706 oz of pure alcohol a year. Busch Light is 12 oz at 4.1% abv, or 0.492 oz of pure alcohol. To reach my current rate of a fifth a day for a year I would need 7,525.8 cans of Busch Light.

Lol 20 cans a day equivalent. I only got up to ~10 before i quit

I’d quit at that many regular beers too just because I get so bloated

I would need 7,525.8 cans of Busch Light.

How can obesity be so tasteless?

Dude originally got railed for using jokes from tosh.0? Jesus Christ I hope this {{{journalist}}} never gets another job again.

Ya and he was 16 at the time. And he wasn’t running for governor. He was some internet meme that got attention and tried to use that attention to donate money to children. And he got fuckin cancelled.

Good. Fucking kids deserves everything bad that happen to them, and anyone who disagree obviously has never interacted with a kid.

Such bullshit, literally just telling jokes from a tv show as a kid and they tried to ruin his life. It's almost scary.

Deserved it for watching tosh.0

idk i watched tosh.0 when i was 16, i was slightly less retarded because i never broadcasted anything on social media attached to my name.

> Getting yourself fired to own children with cancer 😎😎😎

Based AF

Any day a journalist loses their job is a good day.

Online backlash against the backlash

This is now an industry with GDP higher than some African country.

The reporter talked about it here

And he's an even bigger faggot than you think

It was just a taste of what I assume that women and journalists of color suffer all the time, but the kind of locality and regional virality of the story made it so intense.

Well done. I award you 50 woke boy points.

White man who said racist things on social media and then tried to cancel another white man who said racist things on social media shocked that he got cancelled for saying racist things on social media

I don't know what's most disgusting: his complete lack of remorse, his whiny claims that he's the real victim, or his physical appearance.

He looks like the picture that would appear when you search smug in the dictionary.

Wow I unironically hate this sack of shit. Hes still trying to claim the moral high ground in this? He got jealous of Chad Carson and tried to throw a little dig in his article to show he wasnt perfect. Sucks for him it blew back in his face, but he deserves zero sympathy.

allegedly he didn't go through the beer money charity guys twitter until he said that he liked cops, and being a chapofag he decided to cancel him.

The only way to fight cancel culture is to cancel the cancellers.

Live by cancel culture die by cancel culture

“Because I was never trying to hold Carson to any kind of ‘higher standard’ or any kind of standard at all. I was trying to do my job as a reporter, and I think I did so to the best of my ability.”

"Who watches the watchmen" has now been answered.

“I recognize that I’m not the first person to be doxed like this — this whole campaign was taken up by right-wing ideologues and largely driven by that force,” he said. “It was just a taste of what I assume that women and journalists of color suffer all the time, but the kind of locality and regional virality of the story made it so intense.”

I can't explain the amount of disgust I'm feeling after reading this.