Stupidpol bugmen fighting over eating bugs lmao

59  2019-09-28 by CapeshitterCOPE


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We need to completely restructure all human social structures and halt over consumption to prevent an environmental apocalypse in the next 30 years

No not like that! That’s gross!

This but unironically

I’m gonna go with the radical centrist answer:

We don’t need to completely rebuild every social structure in 30 years, but it probably isn’t a bad idea to popularize insect protein to an extent.

Cricket flour isn’t that bad btw.

It’s hard to bake with

force africans to eat bugs, and ill enjoy a steak

beggars cant be choosers

I'll let this whole fuckin world burn before I'll eat bugs.

This but unironically

Little do you know you might have eaten a lot of spiders in your sleep

That's actually a myth that was perpetuated to demonstrate how easily people believe stupid bullshit on the internet.

wow really? i swear I ate atleast a dozen spiders in my lifetime

Well I'm not one to kinkshame

Yep, the average american eats 12 pounds of spiders a week

That's a myth. I eat beetles in my red food coloring

I've actually eaten deep friend tarantula with chili sauce. It wasnt bad, had the consistency of softshell crab and I really.could taste anything besides the tempura batter and chili sauce


I wouldn't make a habit of it but I tend indulge local delicacies wherever I go including drugs

How about we fucking start with focusing on pork and poultry since beef requires a retarded amount of land per kg of meat instead of cockroach cookies

You'll pry my burgers from my cold, dead hands.

Most of environmentalists do its just rightoids always focus on a couple of studies of "hey bugs are crazy efficient protien" and screech autistically.

To be fair, the media is pushing the bug shit hard now too. Adam ruins everything just has an episode like “durr hurr lobsters are BUGS TOO”

How many people watch Adam Ruins?

Is this one of those things like how braincels has 200,000 subscribers therefore America is 70% incel according to the “woke” subs?

Not a lot of people, but I’m still seeing it on the news and social media a lot

Or I could make no changes at all to my lifestyle and watch the 3rd world and the eastern seaboard be claimed by the Endless Ocean.

Fuck yeah, im.betting on those couple acres in east Tn I own turning into beachfront property in the next 50 yrs

The real radical centrist solution is to eat long pig.

''Sorry ma'am. Little timmy couldn't make it, hia injuries were too severe, so I packed his ribs in a takeaway box for you. Please go to the hospital reception for a complimentary bottle of BBQ sauce.''

A+ title lol

Thanks I was blessed with the perfect opportunity

I will eat cows until lab grown meat can create a perfect cheap steak. So what if cow farts destroy the earth before that happens I am not giving up steak damnit.

This whole eating bugs thing and environmentalism in general is like putting a bandaid on a stab wound. Let's be honest, the earth is not going to destroy itself, all that's gonna maybe happen is that a large percentage of the population will be wiped out in a few cataclysmic events that will be equivalent to a bad case of the Hershey squirts for mother earth. The remaining peeps will be reduced to primitivism so we can start over and do it right this time. the most sensible and eco friendly thing to do is to expedite that process so that the suffering of gaia is short lived

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Stupidpol bugmen fighting over eati... -,,

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That's no way to talk about our sister sub 😔🤙

I feel like I started this trend of stupidpol being a sister sub and I’m liking it

You did! 😏




Bugs are a great source of protein that are underutilized.

That doesn't mean I'm gonna eat bugs anytime soon

The idea of using bugs as animal feed was a pretty good idea tbh.

Maybe if I also start singing musical numbers and get adopted by animals when my dad dies

Soy is a great source of protein too but look at what it has done to the human race.

Soy contains plant estrogen not human estrogen moron

Yeah but it tastes like a paper asshole

Literally nothing at all?

id rather wipe out the entire third world than change my eating habits even slightly

this is the end game of all their tax and climate change shit btw

"better open wide and eat your bugs friendo, wouldnt wanna be called a nazi would ya?"

Fucking pathetic. Id sooner be the worlds first right-wing commie, than obey manipulation this childish

Bake the cake

Wax the balls

Eat the bugs

lmfao, get me some hugo boss and a swastika pin, I guess

It’s not wrong, leftists don’t have a disgust reaction which is why they are okay with so much degenerate shit, like cuckoldry.

“big men”

name a bigger right wing projection, folxx! It’s impossible folxx it really is

It’s a joke, cope

LMAO partisans

I won't eat bugs because theyre not vegetarian 😏

Seasoned right, bugs can taste pretty good.

So can semen

Semen tastes fine how it is

Stupidpol users are all jacked homoerotic laborers like in Soviet and new deal propaganda, not bugmen

Stupidpol will be right wing by the end of the year