
52  2019-09-29 by caliberoverreaching


I always tell le wifey about my Reddit Moments during sexy times.

I love in the youtube comments most of the morons unironically think he was talking about ifunny as the source most internet """humor""" with their LE NOON jokes. Fucking retards. I wonder if he hates his fanbase as much as he hates reddit.

He does hate his fanbase, he called them out once on Twitter saying that all these retards can do is sent him unfunny random memes or reaction images as replies to his posts without any connection to the topic of his posts.

pretty baste, link?

Here is one about people that reply to him

Here he straight up calls them retarded

There was also one tweet where he says all the things that I mention in my post which I had in mind while typing it but I think he deleted it because his fanbase got a bit too upsetti.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Lmao someone just replied to me:

mayo left cope fest

Is this one of those things that you only understand if you're a dipshit pariah who sits on multiple forums/chans all day long and doesn't leave the house?

lmao cope seethe dilate


I hope the next Adpocalypse finally finishes off YouTube.