My child is a literal degenerate and I am actively participating in making sure he never mates with an opposite sex

252  2019-09-29 by SageKnows


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Somehow I don't think anyone actually listens

What human society needs is another Black Death.

Yes, the deaths would be indiscriminate and there'd be no way of making sure furries, weebs and trannies were disproportionately affected, but if 60% of western population died out, the seismic changes in society wouldn't allow anyone time to be furries, weebs or trannies.

Sorry, no time to dwell on your mental illnesses, there's hard labour to be done.

Still waiting on Daddy to announce WW3...

Sorry but a 60% loss needs to be world wide.

Thanks was right.

Sorry, no time to dwell on your mental illnesses, there's hard labour to be done.

The plague was actually very lucrative for many of the survivors. The sudden de-population resulted in a massive amount of land redistribution, as well as propelling a new non-feudal merchant class upward on the social ladder. For many people, the quality of life the generation after the plague was many times better than the generation before it.


Would you settle for a land war in Asia?

Nepal's had it too good too long

I got so excited when India and China were sperging out at each other.

They should give it another chance.

*tall China

We need a working "7 days" video and have it intersoliced in the most famous anime.

I've seen way worse shit in the last 24 hours (went to a furmeet) but it's kinda terrifying that we're at the point where grown adults with kids are into this sort of shit and are now pushing it on their children. Remind me why climate change is a bad thing again? Òvó

(went to a furmeet)

Of course you did

It was fun!

Seriously, its a pillow meant for humping, why are the characters STILL in their clothing? Weebs man, they can't think logically.

Hint it's got two sides

Guess some just prefer to cuddle-wuddle (◕‿◕✿)

I guess thats their own weeb version of women in sexy lingerie.

I like how they're pissed that he's browsing knock off jizz pillows

ugh animecels are worse than male feminists.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


  1. My child is a literal degenerate an... -,,

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On another note, be aware that these covers you see in conventions are almost always bootlegs, meaning they are printed without obtaining the artists' permission, or just plain stolen art. Key signs are the fold creases and shininess that indicate peachskin, large majority of legitimate covers use some variation of 2-way-tricot.

Wow there are waifu-pillow snobs who knew?

There is no group so small that it won't immediately form a hierarchy of snobbish assholes. One of my buddies is into ultralight aircraft and he told me that people who do paramotoring (a motor on your back with a giant parachute above you) are poor assholes and that's why they get called "fag baggers" in the ultralight community.

Imagine wanting to parachad around your neighborhood with an engine on your back and end up being called a fag bagger by some soyboy flying around in a winged Nintendo Labo kit with a mower engine.

Based and amateuraviationpilled

Imagine not thinking all of the “ultralight aircraft” community are fag baggers.

Well they are fags, but they don't use bags. Somehow a giant piece of foam wing attached to a bicycle frame gives them moral superiority to people who use parachutes.

Imagine being too poor for your own Learjet lmao

Yep, basically every "community" formed by humans ends up this way.

I only sleep with my waifu in the way her intellectual property owner intended.

A supreme gentleman always gets daddy's permission.

A supreme gentleman doesn't need daddy's permission of the girl doesn't exist.

And yet she will live forever in her youth while you die and are soon forgotten.

So who is it that doesn't really exist?

Imagine not paying an artist a 600$ commission so you can own the IP on your body pillow.

Well cum doesn't stick the same way on peachskin. Doesn't give it the same facial feeling. Smh.


I mean you are going to jizz all over it, for the next 6-18 months. It's cheaper than a 2d gal!

It's better than that, the commission is a one time cost. You can order a bunch so you can jizz on a fresh pillow cover every week.

Aha, the dream!

I think I only know peach and goth peach or whatever she’s called.


STFU Weaboo

Don’t have to be a weeb to know what Mario characters are unless you’ve grown up locked in someone’s basement.

Jerking off over cartoons is still weeb shit.

Who said anything about jerking off 🤔🤔🤔

All the grown men who play these nintendo games jerk off over them too. Them's the facts.

There’s Rosalina and boosette and a couple across from them is I think that fucking virtual youtuber kizuna ai. I’m happy to say I don’t recognise any of the other ones

STFU Weaboo

The bottom left one is rias gremory from DXD, some hentai light novel except without actual sex.

I haven't the foggiest for anyone else, because I am no turbo weeb unlike you guys.

You know what, fuck it, let them have it. I don’t want those people anywhere near my shit.

True dat, if they can contain themselves in their closed weeb conventions and their basements, they can buy their lovepillows, who gives a fuck.