KIA defends their libertarianism again with comments such as; "Are you saying it should be illegal to fuck a short 19 year old with an A-cup?" and, "Youth indicates fertility, and our biological imperative mandates that we are attracted to fertility."

35  2019-09-29 by Ghdust2


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Here's my argument against loli porn... If you look at gay hentai it can reasonably be assumed you are either gay or get turned on by biological men. So, why if you look at loli porn that same assumption suddenly becomes unreasonable?

-13 points

That’s honestly the most based and notapedophile pilled argument in that whole dumpster fire of post. Literally how hard is it to understand that jerking off to underage girls is not a good thing? Cope harder, chomos.

Since when do the guys in gay hentai look like men lmao

Yes he is

So where does simulated/roleplay rape porn with adults fit into that? Needs to be banned too?

An adult can consent to rape role play. A child can never consent. Deal with it pedo

Right. But if you're into gay porn, you're gay. And if you're into loli, you're a pedo. And if you're into rape porn, you're a rapist. Your logic is flawless, I'm just concerned that you're not applying it universally.

if you’re into gay porn

You’re sexually attracted to men - ✅ Okay.

If you’re into forced/submission porn

You’re sexual attracted to domination or submission. - ✅ Okay.

Id you’re into loli

You’re sexual attracted to depictions of children. - ❌ NOT Okay.

Pretty simple. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Exactly! God weeb pedos cope harder than any other demographic.

You still haven't shown why banning illustrations would be anything more than feel-good legislation.

Uhhh the seething that ensues from fat fucking neckbeard pedos. Here’s a question for you: is this really the hill you’d die on? I mean come on dude.

Any legislation is a feel-good legislation, dumbass.

I really wish you kiddie diddlers would just dress up as kids and fuck each other. Maybe then your degeneracies could be fulfilled, rather than having the incessant need to rape innocent children.

I mean, we could do that, but then again, you just told me that kind of stuff should illegal, despite involving zero actual children. You should make up your mind.

Yeah it should be illegal. r/ageplaypenpals should be burned to the fucking ground. Why do you like and defend child porn so much?

Edit: oh look! It was banned lmao good. All child molesters are bad and should be destroyed.

Why are you so defensive of fictional characters?

I’m defensive about people justifying fucking kids. Anybody who’s ever had even one sexual thought of an minor should be sentenced to death

Uh oh, sounds like somebody got molested.

Nope, but I bet you’d wish you could have

Why do you want to jerk off to images of children so bad?

So where does simulated/roleplay rape porn with adults fit into that?

A mass grave, with all the loli-oids, Allah willing.

Literally how hard is it to understand that jerking off to underage girls is not a good thing

I'm bored, so spell it out for me.

I'm bored, so spell it out for me.

✡Avada Kedavra✡

Once you concede that censoring pornography is OK, for any intrinsic reason (so, obviously this doesn’t cover real life human children being raped) you are conceding that censorship of anything is OK. I’m serious.

first they came for the lolis, and i did not speak up because i was too busy jerking off

This is what happens when you let anime and vidya raise your children.

It annoys the fuck out of me how they try to conflate short, very slim women with pedophilia. I know women built like that, they look nothing like those weebs illustrations in question.

Are you saying it should be illegal to fuck a short 19 year old with an A-cup?

yes fucking foids is pedophilia due to mental age irregardless of physical age

Its always a treat to see kissless virgins trying to justify fucking children because of "fertility"

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. KIA defends their libertarianism ag... -,,

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