I got cancelled in a Runescape discord channel for saying that people should wear t-shirts at the gym

3  2019-09-29 by queerjihad

I'm in a Discord channel where mostly high level ironman Runescape players hang out. They started talking about the gym, and then dresscodes at the gym, and then I said that tank tops and that stuff chicks wear to show off their stomach is kinda inappropriate and you should wear a tshirt instead.

I'm not exaggerating, for 10-15 minutes straight about 7 different users kept posting so many disapproving responses that I could barely even read them all, so fast were they typing. I tried engaging in a good faith debate but they weren't listening.

They called me an incel, they told me to move to the Middle East, they called my views "some sharia shit", they told me telling people what to wear was really oppressive, they told me I couldn't possibly be serious, they called me ignorant, jealous and horny, they claimed I got triggered but later on when I said they were triggered they told me not to use that word, pretty much their only argument was "b-but we don't live in the Middle Ages!!". One user posted what I assume is part of his shirtless upper body in an attempt to trigger me, and another user made a comment seriously asking me if I want to live in the Middle East, and then when I didn't answer him within 30 seconds, he screenshotted his original comment and posted the picture of it.

And all I said was that you should wear a T-shirt at the gym, regardless of whether you're a 😍bussyboi😍 or 🤢foid🤮.


We already have one masterlawlz and that's one masterlawlz too many

At least post the actual screencaps you degenerate
