Toronto Redditor attempt at humour is met with series of SJW-ish hot takes confirming soy as the primary source of fibre in their diet

62  2019-09-29 by newcomer_ts


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The absolute state of /r/Toronto ... someone comments with

The caucasity in this comment

... and OP serves pasta

caucasity? in what way? wait a sec, are you implying i'm racist cause i know which neighbourhoods have more frequent crimes than other hoods? sigh.

um, king west is a multicultural hood so what's with the downvoting?

y-pippo are now officially the most insufferable bitches around

Does caucasity mean whiteness? Did they need to make it sound more academic or something?

It's a play on audacity

well that pronunciation isn't clear from the spelling at all

True, the person who originally commented it is even more retarded than we 1st thought

Peaceful walk home through an area with bars, clubs, and restaurants? Maybe move to a peaceful area if that's your priority

"peaceful" for me = just not getting shot. but some light fist-fighting is okay.

What the fuck is wrong with leafs and NA wypipo in general? No, getting shot, or punched, or even witnessing a fistfight, is not a "part and parcel" of an area with bars and restaurants.

Ffs, you people are doomed. Things definitely are not going to get better when you've convinced yourself that your shithole country is perfectly normal.

People are shit at understanding risk. They hear about shootings so they think their risk of getting shoot is high when it's actually really, really low.

If this guy is complaining about King West then it’s pretty obvious he steps outside of the central downtown area once a year at most

To be fair, King W. did grow crazy in last 5 years.

I still recall when only interesting thing on King W. was For Your Eyes Only and Susur Lee's restaurant.

By crazy do you mean gentrified as fuck because if so I agree. Fashion district stretches all the way to Bathurst now and it's all offices, pubs, and restaurants there.

King only starts to get rougher after Dufferin and even then it's just weirdos and poors. Intimidating to someone who never steps west of Strachan maybe. Even Roncy is alright these days.


Canada should have been destroyed in the 1800s and the entire country should now be a nature preserve.

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Toronto Redditor attempt at humour ... -,

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All mayos need to be shot

Let’s start with you.

Yes, please

Airbnb is just a motel but for hipsters who cant handle renting a room.

prove me wrong