TIL gets heated when some users question the results of a dress that detected how many times women got groyped in a Brazilian nightclub

67  2019-09-30 by forseti911


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I feel like there may not be a lot of overlap between the reddit nerd and nightclub groper demographic.

True tbh

Also, Brazilian women generally like groping. So this is just woke propaganda tbh.

Women who like groping are uncle tinas

I go to a night club to drink not touch them queens

Assuming all the men crying in this thread are heterosexual, I bet they'd be singing a different tune if it was a hetero man with 157 unwanted touches in a gay club.

Umm... I'm pretty sure 99% of hetero men are not afraid of what would potentially happen to them if they went into a gay bar.

Its funny how everytime anything about a women getting sex harassed they have to bring up gay men like nothing is scarier than a big homo i guess

I went to a gay bar for with a group of friends for our gay friend's 21st bday. It was pretty fun tbh, sweet fruity drinks, dancing to ABBA, etc.

But I totally did get groped, guys would straight grab my dick and balls while dancing. When I told the group of friends that, the girls were just like 'welcome to our world'

dancing to ABBA

thats my biggest gripe about the gays, you can tell they cater to old people like a motherfucker. outside of a 40 year high school Reunion and radio when have you ever heard ABBA?

all these gay men that have all this disposable income from never dealing with women or having kids now are ruining shit for everyone else. even Logo when its not RuPaul shit is old tv shows the queers watched when they were young and lonely and now they're old and lonely

Wtf are you on about? The gays cater to old people? Since when?

I mean you went into a gropey environment and you also went on their turf so I’m gonna victim blame you


I’ve been groped too man ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can’t just barge into Grope’s house and be mad that he’s there.

I was young and naive. What can I say

you went into a gropey environment

Isn't that the point? Straight nightclubs are gropey environments too but people deny that fact instead of just victim blaming.

Deny that it’s a grey area of groping or victim blame the gropee?

Deny that nightclubs exist for groping.

Yeah but at the same time it’s not like groping stops at nightclubs.

Like everyone is wrong but I’m also not trying to encourage the ugly bastards of the world to get brave.

Gay men grope outside of nightclubs less than straight men. Straight women grope gay men more often than vice versa.

I don't know what started this thread or where it's going but all this groping talk really makes me hope it ends with a handy for me.

My whole thing is look at a Reddit meetup photo and tell those planetoids to waddle on up to some ass.

You can’t unleash that shit into the world.

Let's ship them to China instead.

It's not polite to brag.

Sorry, if it makes you feel better I got a Mai Tai spilled on me that night.

Free drinks too? You just can't stop.

I love the idea that some macaco scientist developed this hi tech dress to confirm the concept that women in Brazilian nightclubs get groped.

He probably thought he'd get laid and once it didnt happen he raped

The fabled male feminist's life cycle

Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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