FRESH! ANTIFA BASHIN' THE FASH!!! (by "bashing" i mean "preventing people from crossing the street" and by "THE FASH" i mean an "old woman with a walker")

228  2019-09-30 by Corporal-Hicks


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old lady had it coming imho

r/publicfreakout is on fucking fire today

Yeah dude that gun girl one is a fucking blaze lol

i just posted the gilded comment saying its cool if she got raped because she is a conservative.

Someone else already posted the whole thing 4 hours ago, so I saw it.

Not like she'd hate it women are freaks

they hated him because he spoke the truth

Can I get a link?

Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.



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No context. Maybe the old lady is a nazi? I don’t know.

He technically isn’t wrong, I guess. She is a boomer so maybe worse.

a boomer is 100% nazi

Day of the no Hallmark Channel soon.

Children rebel against their parents, so if a Boomer's parents fought the Nazis, there's a 100% chance that the Boomer is a Nazi.

Having said that, this woman predates Boomers, so is part of the Silent Generation, and is therefore not a Nazi.

she's probably one of their spies tbh

That's why they were so Silent

Fucking Sgoomers

the Silent Generation

Maybe she didn't speak up against the Nazis... therefor she's a nazi!!!!2111

Every boomer I've ever met were hippies and enablers of millennial who do stupid shit like join anti-fa.

Hamas should be taken off the list of foreign terrorist organizations and replace with Likud

based and one-state solutionpilled

She's about the right age. What if she's actually a really old german?

Why is he calling betty white a Nazi :(

Betty White Supremacist

Anyone old enough to have fought Nazis is definitely a Nazi by today's standards.

This old bitch definitely did a racism once or twice.


Hey she could be Goebbels' gamgam for all we know

More like daughter. Shed have to be like 150 years old to be his grandma

better to err on the side of her being a nazi because we cant let any get by

The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.

Based and Tedpilled

thats a real ted quote? nice

Yessir. From his manifesto, Industrial Society and it's Future

Aka the only piece of literature you need to read

Idk, Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution are pretty good too. I think they might be better cause it's less rambled.

man was ahead of his time..

All old people are guilty until proven innocent

I mean why would antifa ever lie?

the PPC which is a extreme right party here in Canada.

Hamilton is historically a NDP (which is a far from left party)

Some real experts down there.

Reality is, PPC is to the left of US Dems and NDP celebrates China and Soviets as examples on how to build a society.

There's nothing wrong with beating the elderly/boomers


Well she's trying, but you're blocking the way.

Nazism knows no age. This lady likely didn’t denounce the third Reich, so what other choice did the freedom fighters even have.

shouldve kicked that walker out from under her!

That’s exactly what a WW2 soldier storming the beaches of Normandy would have done.

The thread about this in /r/canada was predictably OrzBlueFogged.

Anti-fa is a terrorist organization.

AARP will hit them like a ton of bricks.