Incoming drama as a little black girl pulls a Jussie

219  2019-09-30 by Kaiser-romulus


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So I think there’s two options

  1. Her mom concocted the lie for attention

  2. She tried to cut her own hair and when she fucked it up she told her mom a lie

She tried to cut her own hair and when she fucked it up she told her mom a lie

100% this

imagine humiliating your family on a national scale

It's like a real life episode of Everybody Hates Chris.

Remember balloon boy?

I like how most of best comments argue this is just a local news, like, meh, a kid did something and now it's national news, like, why, who cares.

They sure cared before it was fake

I think it stops being local news once the national news shows it. Then it's national news.


Look at the brain on this guy

It's funny as fuck that the kids who were accused of doing this were monsters despite being 12 but the kid that lied about this is just a 12 yo that made a mistake.

The school’s principal, Stephen Danish, sent a statement to parents Monday confirming the allegations were false. He said the school feels “tremendous pain for the victims and the hurt on both sides of this conflict.”

Wtf I hate radical centrism now

That's not really radical. Radical centrism would be saying "all you that invested any emotional energy into this story are in short supply of chromosomes".

Absolutely based.

I didn't care to begin with. Kids are jerks.

Congratulations on not being automatically pegged as chromosomally challenged. But if I can make on more observation that might shed some light on the topic, you post on r/drama a lot, so your secrets out.

both sides

Hey, leave her alone. She's just a 12 year old girl, she doesn't know right from wrong. Not like those 12 year old boys who knew exactly what they were doing.


I believe you

white people dont describe black hair as nappy that was the most obvious part

Don Imus would like to have a word with you.

Exactly, that is 100% a word her grandma uses to describe her hair


so true. also, i live in dc, so obviously this was on the local news. i couldn’t even tell wtf dreads were supposedly cut. like, maybe an inch off one? fuck if i know...

oh im so surprised that she lied i never suspected that to happen!

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


  1. Incoming drama as a little black gi... -,,

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