Man legally named “Sexy Vegan” charged after video of him taking the dog pill surfaces.

106  2019-09-30 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


> pit bull

Stunning and brave.

Anyone wanna guess his skin color?


Hansel DeBartolo III


Dr. DeBartolo is survived by his wife of over 36 years, Susan (Hefty)

Someone dunked on his fat wife in his obit 😂

Genetics are not destiny. His father was a chill as fuck chad, and he's a subhuman vegan dogfucker.

I assumed a vegan means white with a privileged upbringing.

I only know one vegan and that definition fits lol

I know way more than that and it is almost 100% true.


BTW, I read this article a couple of days ago... still trying to figure out how to troll vegans with it.

That wouldn’t work on my vegan friend. He does it purely for ethical reasons and I’m not sure anything would change his mind

Yeah, the nutjobs I don't even worry about (and if you are willing to sacrifice your health/wellbeing for an animal then I think you are nuts), I just think it's a nice counter to the "vegan diets are much healthier than omni" arguments.

Lmao his father was a successful lawyer and doctor

Imagine working your whole life getting two of the hardest degrees and then this is your son that takes your and your fathers’ namesakes lmao

He changed his name to...Sexy Vegan. Apparently parenting was the one skill he didn't master.

Probably did what my parents used to do and try so hard to give their kids the good life they never had they end up spoiled assholes

If I didn’t have a big wake up call at 16/17 I could have ended up like this douche

you would have ended up walking off of dr phil, with a face tattoo and making national news for fucking dogs?


Been a srdine?

Karmas a bitch

You know how some vegans make the "you have no problem eating an animal so why would you have an issue with someone fucking it?" argument?

I guess this guy didn't get you weren't supposed to do either of those things, not pick one.


Could this be the dog fucker we had visit this sub on so many occasions

Which one? There's like 5 that regularly pop up here.

⚠️⚠️⚠️NOT MENTALLY ILL⚠️⚠️⚠️

This safely puts to rest any claims white people have of being "the master race". Their degenerates conquer countries, collapse economies, and eat people. Our degenerates do this. We should get them together. Our degenerates will give their degenerates fatal food poisoning.

Who honestly thinks Mayo's are the superior race other than The Hills Have Eyes extras?

I'm positive if he was born a decade later you would have just misgenderer him.

Lots of libertarians in those comments.

I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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