Foid engages gamer, gamers engage with cope, DLC bonus: Foid is OP

7  2019-10-01 by Arnold_Schrodinger


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Nah, this is just the freshly banned incels that have been unleashed upon this cesspit of a website.

Damn you're right, I wish I'd worked that into my clickbait title game

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know the future drama that will come from the incels wandering around reddit

You always have four options for what to say, regardless of when the situation warrants more or less, severely handicapping the ability to roleplay as well as the ability to ask for information about quests or lore or whatever. You can’t see exactly what you’re going to say when selecting any option (probably to hide how barebone they are, largely because of the voiced protagonists), so you can sometimes say the opposite of what you intended. The only trait considered in speech is your charisma, so you can be the most intelligent person to ever live but you’ll never be able to offer something unique in a conversation if your charisma’s low, which is different from every previous game. It is harder to imagine yourself speaking as the protagonist.

A ghoul child survives without being discovered or going insane in a refrigerator near a major road while calling for help without food or water for 200 years, even though an entire town of ghouls in Fallout 1 can die if you don't repair their water pump, and ghoul settlers require food in Fallout 4 itself.

The Railroad's secret base can be found by following a clearly marked line (this is not secret, by the way) and the password is "Railroad". The Institute wasted years trying to find it but the Brotherhood of Steel found it almost immediately.

You're told to visit a race track to bet on races but as soon as you show up the residents kill you on sight and after exterminating them you're left with a generic settlement with no special features.

The Institute can simulate human brains on demand and extend a person's life span by centuries but can't cure cancer or whatever generic disease Father died of.

You become the head of the Institute but can't replace the anti-synth heads of its departments with scientists who believe synths deserve basic rights, even though every department has them.

The Institute uses bottlecaps as currency. (There is still no explanation, other than marketing, for why anyone on the east coast uses bottlecaps, for that matter.)

The Institute sabotages settlements on the surface for no apparent reason.

The Institute has genetically-engineered crops that can survive in extreme radiation but don't offer them to the surface - and you can't offer them to the surface either, even after becoming the head of the Institute - despite the fact that doing so would dramatically improve public opinion of them with no drawbacks.

Institute scientists insult your intelligence but there's no intelligence checks if you're actually intelligent. It would be nice if you could humiliate them by proving them wrong. Any previous Fallout game would have allowed that.

Kellogg walked from San Francisco to Boston through thousands of miles of irradiated, inhospitable land because he was bored. This is to force a reference to the good Fallout games. It is however much better in comparison to turning Harold into a tree god.

Kellogg's mom says the NCR's claim that they're going to restore pre-war America is propaganda even though their house and village seems to be comfortable by pre-war standards, let alone post-war standards, aside from her abusive husband, who can't reasonably be blamed on the NCR.

The entire plot of Fallout 3 is about repairing a water purifier but in Fallout 4 you can make one out of tin cans five minutes after leaving your vault.

Carrots and potatoes are stated to be extinct even though they're in Fallout 3.

Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas, which are mostly set in deserts, have more plant life in the desert areas than in any place in Fallout 4, which is set in what would be a forested area. Furthermore, the wildlife in Fallout 1 and 2 is more spaced out, with it taking days or even weeks of in-game time to find any animals. Bethesda wanted their games to look their generic post-apocalyptic games and so invented the idea that there couldn't be any plant life in Fallout, even though this was never established by the "real" games. The ecosystem of the Commonwealth is laughably unsustainable.

200 year old piles of dead leaves are still on the ground.

200 year old Halloween decorations are still on people's houses.

No one has bothered to repair any walls or clean any garbage after 200 years. You cannot do this yourself in your settlements. Structures you build look identical to pre-war ruins. You wouldn't want the world not to look PoSt ApOcAlYpTiC.

You can take control of raider gangs, but must lead attacks against your own settlements.

You are not expelled from the Minutemen if you join a raider gang, presumably because Nuka World has no other content and they wouldn't want to anger anyone by punishing them for playing the main quest of a DLC.

A child raised by gorillas speaks English and walks upright.

The Institute kills everyone else in the vault for no apparent reason.

The Institute somehow has FEV and infects people for no reason because super mutants must be enemies in the game.

The Institute has a cure for FEV (which is impossible because FEV alters DNA, not to mention body structure) but no one seems to care. It could theoretically be released into the environment, "restoring" the entire planet.

By astonishing coincidence, the Zetans in Fallout 3 perfectly resemble the fictional aliens designed by Nuka Cola.

The pre-war world is romanticized (by Bethesda) despite being a fascist, dilapidated wasteland. You have to wonder why the U.S. was fighting for resources when everyone seemed comfortable and satisfied. This completely misses the point of Fallout.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Holy hell nice sperg take, have you read the OG fallout bible??

Edit: Vic deserved a talking head.

I have. Most of it is nice supplementary material, but I am fine with ignoring some of the more questionable parts, such as the Great Winter that supposedly happened for no apparent reason decades after the Great War and is not mentioned anywhere else (despite that, some have actually used it to try to explain the near complete absence of plant life in 3 and 4).

Awesome, yeah there's a lot of crazy dev speculation/open-ended explanations in there. I'm with you on the great winter thing, but in the same vein I'm excited to see what wasteland 3 brings to the table. WL2 was great to me but I feel like the effort to be super inclusive to donors really dragged everything out and weighed the experience down.

I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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