Fans of the Starcraft source material aren't happy that Marvel Comics will be working on future lore.

11  2019-10-01 by loli_esports


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  1. Fans of the Starcraft source materi... -,,

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Can’t wait for a female space marine chapter!

Isn't that a thing already?

Sisters of battle kind of fill that role but they're definitely not the same thing

Kerrigan was already a ghost so it’s really not to far fetched.

Isn't there another girl ghost too in sc?

Oh god you're right.

I am not fond of capeshit.

starcraft was an alien ripoff, not a warhammer ripoff, r-words

Ur crazy

look at shit like this dude and tell me this reminds you more of warhammer than of aliens

or just click on terran units like 90% of their lines are a straight up movie quote

starcraft=warhammer is a meme

theres literally zero similarities between terrans and the imperium outside of their space marines looking somewhat similiar aesthetically, and even then, terran space marines are basically just worthless convicts used as cannon fodder and nowhere near the level of literal demigod space marines of the imperium

when starcraft came out tyranids were still goofy rainbow colored space dinosaurs with guns (google tyranid first and second edition literally not exaggerating in the slightest)

the strongest case you can make is point out the similarities between 40ks space elves and starcrafts ancient aliens protoss, but even then, a weak case, considering the three main factions in 40k are imperium orks and chaos, two of which are completely absent from starcraft

"but everyone knows blizzard wanted to make a warhammer game" yeah and that game turned out to be warcraft, as it was supposed to be a warhammer fantasy not warhammer 40k game, and starcraft came out like five years later, when blizzard was already highly successful because of warcraft 1 & 2

sure blizzard devs being 80s and 90s nerds were fans of warhammer and warhammer 40k and were no doubt inspired by these franchises at least partially, but if you compare similarities with warhammer and similarities with aliens the latter by far outweights the former

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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jokes on you my world of warcraft classic character just finished cooking a hundred nightfin soup while i was writing that post, time to make like 30g by putting them on the ah

whos the loser now huh

Hah, fucking nerd.

You can't be serious?

lol @u

Its not like the writing quality of 40k can get any worse, right?

The astartes videos on youtube are incredible, if anyone at 40k had half a brain they would hire the guy asap.