Redditors tell a gay to leave his husband over literal children’s toys

78  2019-10-01 by Kaiser-romulus


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If I ever see you in real life I'll fucking make you eat cement. You got that, bitch? If it wasn't your mom coming downstairs to the basement each night to bring you a plate of chicken tenders, you would be dead with droll running into the cracks of your cheeto dust covered keyboard. I bet you weight about 400 pounds and have a string tied to your dick you use so you can piss. The fact you have to keep making new accounts suggest you need a new hobby. Stop being a piece of shit troll and find something creative to do. You only have so much time left before your arteries clog and Coonrod lowers your 2000 pounds casket into the ground with a fucking crane.


  1. Redditors tell a gay to leave his h... -,,

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Wuts an AFOL? Adult Fan of Lego?


Why does that need an abbreviation? Loser is already a word.

These aren’t everyday losers but Lego losers

I don't have any Legos and haven't had any real desire to get any in like a decade but now that I think about it I can't wait to have a kid to play with them with.


I had like a mountain of legos as a kid and I regret getting rid of them

especially considering a box of legos is like $95 now, it's fuckin nuts

China deserves to win tbh

Imagine thinking this wouldn't happen to them if they became the dominant superpower.

They had the October 1 ChiCom birthday parade today and they unironically had giant floats of tractors and shit and each one had 5 middle-aged guys riding them. They're actually more boring than mayos at this point.

They're actually more boring than mayos at this point.


East Asians are like mayos 2.0 tbh.

The Chinese have no modern culture cmv

Buying mass produced plastic tat isn't a hobby. And of course it's Star Wars Lego 🤦🏿‍♂️

Comparing it to his bum buddy's photography hobby. One of those gets you out of the house, exploring your creativity and actually using your brain to produce something. The other is putting plastic blocks together to make a toy.

Where they give you an instruction book. Like ikea.

The worst part is that you can use legos to be creative. That's the whole fucking point of it. If he was actually building stuff that he came up with in his mind, I'd find that to be a perfectly acceptable hobby even for a grown man, but assembling robeshit starships the way that the man told you to is no better than hoarding.

A true man build what was in the box once. Then he take some part away for other constructions. After about half of the part are gone, he decide that he can rebuild it, he has the technology.

After lamentably failing to find the parts, he try to rebuild it using other parts. From this point, the lego thing look both very ugly and weird af, so the true man take it apart to rebuild it from the ground up. Then he has a great idea to make it look even cooler, if he just add this set of wings to the front.

Dont forget some cool treads or wheels

Tbh that was my first take but then I realized he could build really shit with like wood and nails instead.

Photography is a shit tier hobby tbh.

Photography’s gay as fuck oo wow you used the rule of threes good job faggot that doesn’t make your photo of a butterfly any more interesting

My girl is leaving me due to my alcoholism

That makes sense

Your faggot husband liking LEGOs is so tame

Based drunk

Is this anti socialization?


Kaiser you might be a completely retarded spergoid but you do dig up some good drama. This is just pathetic and makes me feel bad for the people married to these soy manchildren

This can’t be said enough, this is why we need some sort of cataclysmic event that ends all mayos!

Here is the problem: your spouse is an asshole.

Lmao imagine saying this about someone's spouse and imagine letting someone say that about your spouse

Make him a Lego dildo

That's no good at all; partners should be supportive, or at least understanding, of each other's hobbies.

This is how you know this person has never been in a relationship let alone married.

What if my hobby is being a degenerate gambler. If my fiancé wouldn’t kill me for it that would probably be my hobby. Love those dice.