Currycels to join the gamer alliance.

35  2019-10-01 by ImJustaBagofHammers


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Currycels to join the gamer allianc... -,

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They just look for smoking scenes, alcohol and cigarette brands to blur.

Hey, come on now, Indian movie censors have a sacred duty to make sure that if people are swilling vodka through 30 minutes of a movie that the annoying little icon will be displayed in the corner of the screen throughout that. It's an important job!

It's just the extra spice on top we need after watching an ad about lung shaped sponges being squeezed while tar comes pouring out.

Han ek samaaj mein rahate hain

As if India needs a fairly nuanced American movie to push them over the edge.

They don't even have edge to fall off from...

Indians are unironically the most racist race.

Thankfully H-bombs exist

can someone tldr this movie and why incels claim it as "theirs"

Woke twitter declared it an incel movie because the main char is a white moid. So incels now have to champion it. Sort of like how woke twitter had to champion Captain Marvel because incels declared it an SJW movie.

Capeshit fans' taste is now entirely determined by their enemies...