🐟🐟 SRDines feast on some delicious pasta 🐟🐟

95  2019-10-01 by Ghdust2


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. 🐟🐟 SRDines feast on some delicious ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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It’s times like these I wish I weren’t banned from srdine land. Serving them pasta like that would make it all worth it

Wew lad. If they can't handle this, I'm pretty sure these fuckers heads would explode if someone posted the original rules of internet.

when did these srdines become so green?

They keep getting younger, but I stay the same.

> eating the pasta like a starving college student

> smugposting over some chucklefucks not being extremely online enough

Not sure which is worse, I'm gonna sit this one out

If you can't tell that shit is pasta just from looking at it, I'm not sure what to say.

You forgot that when we post here on drama every direction is punching up.

Found the Incel x24

This pasta is older than the country of Italy and they still went after it.

I just don't understand how you fall for that one especially. I remember reading it when it was posted in seriousness the first time, and I went out of my way to google it because I thought it had to be pasta.

By the way here is the source: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3o68ia/feminists_did_it_to_scientists_they_did_it_to/cvukxx8/

Dude still hasn't deleted his account out of shame lmao

Wait, only 3 years ago? Jeez, this one actually felt like longer.

Yeah I could've sworn that one got circulated during peak GG 5 years ago. Even if not that verbatim, the sentiment that their autism would give them argumentative superpowers against the SJWs was widespread.

I remember posting it on tumblr and actually found the dudes tumblr account :) we ended up being mutuals and we actually both had grandia talksprites as our avatars, he was pretty chill but sometimes he’d get into moods where he’d reblog stuff about puppyplay and girls in those dog masks. Nasty ass

This is like opening an ancient Egyptian tomb and eating the pasta found inside

SRD really has fallen low if they can't recognise that pasta. It never even began for SRDinecels

Bro, gamers and incels aren't the same thing.