Braincels being banned doesn't stop IncelTears from 😤😡🤬 over obvious copypastas

113  2019-10-02 by WreckingYourHome


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Braincels being banned doesn't stop... -,,

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Jesus, Snappy. We know that, but you don't need to keep rubbing it in.

That sub is looking rough. Reminds me of when they caught the Nightstalker/Golden State Killer and the sub turned into a garbage dump of confused folks.

Also this:

so whilst its probaly fake, as i doubt incels have the balls to try, its scary that they even think about this shit and if they could they would do it, but thankfully there cowards.

and yeah this kind of shit makes me despise incels, like no women wont enjoy rape, and yes it actully will fuck them up u fuckwits, getting told no after asking a girl out isnt the end of the world nor is it even close to the same thing.

also lets see if an incel will call this a joke, cause they love saying anytime a twat of theres posts crap or hateful comments like this theyll go its a joke, nah mate this is filth and disgusting its no way funny

edit) gonna add this, if u have to say your a nice guy incels u most likely aint.

Always weird seeing actual autism online. At least they got upboated. I genuinely wish them the best.

It's definitely over for incels, but it appears as if it never even began for ITcels.

The most offensive part is the lack of proper use of their/there/they're and your/you're

Sounds like a middle schooler who just learned what an incel is.

Reminded that the majority of redditers are children

What happened with the Golden state killer?

The sub dedicated to discussion about the crimes/possible suspects went to hell after he was caught. With theory crafting and detective LARPing being suddenly off the table, it was reduced to people commenting on news blurbs about conviction. Plus some podcast hosts got mad and told their fans to fuck up the sub, iirc, so good deal of tedious meta drama.

Basically that’s what’s going to happen to IT. Without being able to post screenshots from Braincels, there won’t be any rage mana. I predict they will spend a few months trying to uncover sleeper-cels within their ranks before leaving to find a new source of outrage.

It was very hard not to upvote the unironic top minds of reddit wagging their fingers, but I think i managed!

IncelTears is now the largest dedicated incel community on Reddit dot com now

Now the largest

Always has been, always will be.

That's been the way since it was created

What’s the difference b/t the two? Why didn’t they both get banned

IncelTears is for incels in denial or "incels without hate"

Lmao I just subbed, that sounds worth lurking for cope.

Let me just sum up the whole sub so you don't have to sub.

"Yeah, I guess I'm technically an incel and God I wish I wasn't, but I'm not mean like these guys! Why won't women talk to me!?"

Got anything good to read from there?

Just search IncelTears on this sub. There's a ton of good shit

Just read their advice thread to see them in action

Tbh they should be banned of were going by reddits new anti-bullying policy. The whole sub exists just to shit on another specific demographic of people. AHS should get on it

This is why I’m strongly considering becoming a AHS user. They have more troll power than any sub, and I’m pretty decent at mayo-posting.

Inceltears has actual rapists (male feminists) 🥶🥶🥶

Having a robust and girthy moustache is a lot of responsibility. You'll notice that people will immediately start gravitating towards you to gaze at the moustache-hairs gracefully flowing above your lip.

This alone would not be overwhelmingly difficult to deal with however hoards of women will start throwing themselves at you, as your moustache-hairs will project your fertility and solidify your status as the most desirable alpha male.

You'll notice a change inside you as well, when betas ask you a question your automatic response will be to scream "Bring me solutions, not problems!" loudly in their face while chunkies of moustache-hair wax and spittle is projected violently into their face.

These guys are going to have to come to the sad reality that they are incels with the loss of braincels. 6 months from now they'll be posting the ultimate blackpill and calling foids stacies

Wonder how he'd feel if some super buff lumberjack-looking dude asked to smash and he was legally not allowed to say no

The law would only apply to heterosexual couples, retard.

super buff lumberjack-looking dude asked to smash

I don't see what the problem would be?

Presents bussy

They’re literally kys-posting in the comments lol

Err ... where do you draw the line?

Start calling the Nazi 14:88 words copypastas too and then say everyone who doesn't like them is overreacting? No.

It's an old one which has been featured on arrrdrama multiple times. e.g. here, 1.5 years ago. It also has the typical over-the-top retardation stylized theme, so it's pretty recognizable as a copypasta.

And "1488" is a short structured line to convey an active political viewpoint, just like "40%" or "Liberals get the bullet too". I don't see the pastafactor. Copypastas are mostly used to mock its own viewpoint. Like this one mocks incels. The gamer one mocks gamers, etc. Or idk man, I'm pulling an all-nighter so I'm just talking out of my ass rn.

It just occurred to me, what the fuck is BrazilianSigma going to do with their time, now that IncelTears is gone? I almost feel kind of bad for them.