When will the bullying end

52  2019-10-02 by BigBrownDog12


Poor oppressed conservacels

There are no individuals more worthy of bullying than young conservatives who openly identify as such, change my mind. Even incels and neets look down their noses at them.

100% unless it's a way to rebel against hippie parents in which case go for it kiddos

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. When will the bullying end - archive.org, archive.today

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Based and youngfemaleconservativepilled

How in the fuck do British people understand each other?

Like seriously, speak English ffs...

Just take your lorry 2 miles down to road to Frompton-on-dick and make a left to shittershire and grab some good fish and chips at the pub before your mates beat your bollocks off

That’s the “Kings english” to you 🙄🙄🙄

For most of the last 200 years it's been the queens' english.

Oi mate i av bean auhpress'd becaws I vote ahgainst me own self interest.

Bit of a knackered sitauhteehon if you ausk me.

Care for auh friendly tit for tat over tea and schmiveries?

I'm losing it

Lmao what a bunch of gimps.

What a bunch of simps

Bunch of faggots crying about bullying just as trannies do. Horseshoe theory strikes again.

How're you gonna go on film intentionally and not fix your fucking eyebrows?

At least they put up subtitles.

Oi, you got a loicence for that oppression?

What self-respecting person would support a political party with a fucking tree as its logo? Òvó

Bongs should all be bullied perpetually

you can pretty much imagine these people throwing some disabled wretch out of their wheelchair onto the street in the middle of winter to save a literal pence on their tax bill, and then crying about being criticized for it

crooked teeth ass limey niggas
