Daddy is getting creative about the boarder issue

62  2019-10-02 by ManBearFridge


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  1. Daddy is getting creative about the... -,

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What no lasers on the gators?

Ok now this is epic

water-filled trench, stocked with snakes or alligators

So essentially Daddy wants to turn the border into Florida?

This hasn't worked either for keeping people out of Florida, and worse, for keeping Floridians out of the rest of the country

Daddy legit sounds like he's getting his border security ideas from a bunch of drunk teenage rednecks.

"Why don't we just...make a big goddamn trench. Fill it fulla gators like they did in medieval times! It's not rocket science, people been doin' this shit since before guns were invented!" - Cousin Billy after a rack of Keystone

No Mr. Mexican, I expect you to die.


Gators do occur naturally far down the rio grande to the east. The shores sandy make up and fauna don’t naturally favor them that far up, but if they introduced a population of boar etc for them to feed on then I could see it feasibly working.

Quality idea

Please get me a quote by end of week.

Boars are naturally invasive af. And alligators are a hearty species, the weather in those areas are plenty warm enough to allow males to be formed. The May-june lows match those of Arkansas. If these ‘patriot’ cucks that call the migra on illegals truly wanted to help they would just start releasing mid sized gators into the rio grande.

I don't think boars would have enough food out in the desert. I'm all a board this plan though, so we will need to terraform the moat so it can sustain the boars.

Did you just try to trick the government into building 2,000 miles of defensive swamp?

Alligators don't normally attack people tho. If he was serious about keeping people away, he would have used Crocodiles instead.

We should have mowed our own lawns

And miss Latina booties?! No thank you.

if i was president we would ban all male immigrants. i would allow female immigrants but change the system to focus solely on what an american will bid for you. this would bring down the debt!!! and solve the incel crisis. i know you're thinking nice job idiot but what about the broke boys who make up the vast majority of them? well i would throw out a few freebie immigrant brides to keep their hopes up and also put them in work camps.

Imagine Trump passing the No Fat Chicks Act.

lol all the women would be furious and the men would have to pretend to be for the sake of our SO's, but secretly we'd be toasting to daddy for lookin out for us

Open borders, but for hotties only. The radical centrist position.

Open border for master and +, and hotties. Make america smart and hot.

If we're going to make America smart and hot, we'll have to kick you out. Imagine preferring cats over dogs.

We all have sacrifices to make, inshallah

Unironically a brilliant idea, let incels bid on imigrant women.

Who is renting from the US?

I imagine Trump is testing to see who the leak is and just suggests stupid ideas to random staffers.

Uh, huh

Yes, this is just another fifth dimensional Crusader Kings II move.


Tbqh, I would vote for anyone that promise me a moat filled with gators, because that shit sound lit af.

I imagine that he is senile, but whatever.

I had been wondering when Nielsen was going to start dropping the dirt she had on Daddy. I guess she was waiting for an opportune moment.

So illegal immigrants will learn how to cross the border by playing thr hi-tech border simulator Pitfall?

If we put a highway in front of the moat it will just like Frogger.

no laswr beams attached to their heads though :(