CNN: Barron Trump seemingly unable to stop growing

282  2019-10-03 by YaBoyStevieF


Tall and twink

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. CNN: Barron Trump seemingly unable ... -,

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Good luck removing Donnie from office when his son is a kaiju.

By the end of Donny's second term, Barron will have the Earth in his pocket, literally

Ol' Donny boi(pardon my hyphen) is going to have a brain aneurysm within the next four months and McConnell still won't remove him from office because of all the money Republicans are making off him.


Galaxy brain confirmed?

Experts say that Barron Trump will consume the Milky Way galaxy by the year 2022

MAGI 2024 Milky Ass Galaxy Implodes

This is what he used the stolen Nikola Tesla technology for, making Barron a goddamn attack Gargantua.

I don't speak weeb, translate for me

Reminder that Japan was gay af before America culturized them

he was almost close to a man, in addition to chin hair and eyebrows, between the fingers and limbs is a description of some skin. He ate food and drank but never spoke.

Ok so a neckbeard


You didn’t need to mark this picture NSFW, dude. Not everyone gets turned on by the thought of a giant Barron Trump like you do.

Speak for yourself

He is already taller than Trump. They grow up so fast 😭

I literally dont know what to believe right now. Is that real, or was he made bigger there?

No, this is real I guess. Trump is tall but Melenia is even more tall for a woman and so it's not that surprising

Im just shocked he grew this much in 3 years.


At least he's not obese like Daddy

Even daddy was not obese when he was young. But he does look like a redneck in this particular pic. Surprising because I always thought he had that artistrocatic look as opposed to the other two sons of Trump

holy shit

He'll be an adult by the end of Trump's 2nd term.

Damn I can't believe that both the mavericks and the Spurs are looking to draft him !

Not European enough for Pop

Motherfucker's still only 13 years old wtf

Trump's wife's son's father probably plays volleyball.

Remember when the left decided to attack this kid and call him a retard cause he looked tired after Trump won the election.

He literally looks like a retarded mongoloid

he is almost certainly a closet Chapo poster


Remember that the right can't get an erection without fantasizing about Michelle being trans?

Same for me, but I'm not a rightoid.

One might be tempted to say that he's YUUUUUUUUGE.

Barron confirmed to be a Titan



I've come around on anime, there is some good shit out there. Just have to avoid all the libertarians who make it