Absolute shitshow og arguing about ok hand. "Cancel culture isn't real unless a scientific study proves it is!"

93  2019-10-03 by HogPostBot


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Absolute shitshow og arguing about ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Why can't rightoids accept that Poe's Law can leak into the real world? Like, if a bunch of alt-right spergies intentionally co-opt a symbol and start using it with intent to change its meaning, it will have a new meaning. I get that's part of the troll to be like "hurr durr what are you talking about it's just the ok symbol fucking dumb libs hurr durr" but it's so fucking obvious. Nobody is fooled, learn to be more subtle with your coded symbols.

Why can't libs learn fucking context? Like, holy shit it's fucking Universal character breakfast cool your fucking jets. Rub two brain cells together and realize you're at a theme park and not a tiki torch conga line. I'd be willing to bet $5 they only threw a shit fit so they could get free stuff (as all patrons of theme parks do) and it looks like it's working. Universal is going to "make this right" with enough freebies to make everyone want to pull this.

I hate everyone. Advanced life was a mistake. Make Earth single-celled again.

But they don't actually use it with that meaning. The alt right have never used ok hand as a symbol of white supremacy. It was only ever a joke. A joke that retards who watch shitty videos or news headlines and believe as they are caring not whether or not it is actually used to suggest harm but whether or not it can be used to socially bludgeon others and be one of the good ones.

But they don't actually use it with that meaning.

Rightoids are not collectively smart enough that there aren't plenty of them that use it unironically.

It was only ever a joke.

lol someone should've told that to Richard Spencer.

He's pretty fucking dumb

It was only ever a joke

"i hate niggers, but im going to pretend that im someone who doesnt hate niggers pretending to hate niggers with a hand symbol"

The goal was to get people who use it innocently fired and shamed like happened here, to prove how dumb the left is. No right winger even uses it as a "I hate niggers" symbol

surely no one on 4chan actually hates niggers 🤔🤔🤔

This was literally decided upon by the dweebs on 4chan. Their exact plan was to use this simple emoji to piss off retards on the other end of the political spectrum so they could laugh at their screeching while making a point. That point is that woketards will literally go apeshit over fucking anything so long as they're given any piss poor excuse to do so.

4chan may be full of stupid shitheads and vitrol spewing alt righters but they know how to fuck with their dumbass counterparts

"i hate niggers, but im going to pretend that im someone who doesnt hate niggers pretending to hate niggers with a hand symbol"

You are literally too self righteous and stupid to insult. I'd tell you to maintain your safety but tbh the world would be better off without you

sorry you fell for people who hate niggers pretending to be people who dont hate niggers who are pretending to hate niggers

Are you attempting some kind of god awful trollception shit or are you genuinely this retarded and committed to sperging?

are you genuinely seething because your favorite le epic trole is just niggerhaters pretending to be nonniggerhaters pretending to be niggerhaters?

I'll take that as a yes

You know going to a different website won't set you on fire, just look at 4chins and see how retarded you are.

"i hate niggers, but im going to pretend that im someone who doesnt hate niggers pretending to hate niggers with a hand symbol"

Why can't rightoids accept that Poe's Law can leak into the real world?

They do, they're actively using it, because it makes leftoids look retarded, which bolsters their cause. It's completetly rational.

Why can't libs learn fucking context?

Context is irrelevant, the imporant thing is that she's getting free shit, that's all that matters. The left plays into the "ok" thing because it gives them another lever to pull so that they can get what they want and/or fire the people they don't like. It's also completely rational.

Same goes for the media reporting the incident. It's outragous, which generates a ton of clicks, and that lets them keep their busisness from failling for another day.

Everyone is following their local incentives, the train has no brakes, go watch anime.

Friendly reminder that the alt right regularly eats food, breathes air and drinks water, these are totally alt right shibboleths that alt righters use to identify their fellow travelers.


Outside of the argument at hand, just look the gaggle of retards flinging shit at each other in that thread. Like they're actually on a Sam Harris fan subreddit trying to argue for debate points about the OK hand sign.

Lol I almost wish rightoids had as much power as leftoids think they have.

One of the biggest retards ever in that thread saying 👌 is the same as nazi salute 😂