Jacob Whol is at it again this time holding a press conference today with a marine and body builder who has apparently been banging Elizabeth Warren!

64  2019-10-03 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I absolutely wish this was true, good on the 70 year old smashing a young twink marine's bussy.

banging grannies to own the libs 😎

Seriously if Pocahontas has been cradle raiding it'd make her so much more based.

Marine bussy is some of the finest that there is. But I also suspect any Marine who publically identifies themselves as a body builder is very likely to be some kinda weirdo POG.

As if I needed any more good reasons to vote for lizzy.

Warrens husband BTFO

Did he just make up a marine but give him the same last name as the main character of "Barry", who is also a fake Marine?

Nah that's not the Marine's name it's some other "activist".

Ah you're right, well, I never read anything from wohl very carefully

How is Barry a fake marine? The story has him serving and he does what he does cause it’s all he knows.

I meant in the real world, Barry is a fake character/person. Which is appropriate for a wohl-level scheme

I hope this is true. If Warren gets #MeToo'd somehow it'd mean the way is clear for YangGang and we can keep the meme president streak alive.

I hope this is true

Jacob Wohl

Jacob Wohl is unironically one of the dumbest humans in the country tbh. I'm amazed he isn't in jail yet after that Mueller shit.

How can you fail to be a right-wing grifter?

I love that he can't even take the smallest of steps to hide his cons. Remember when one was instantly busted because he used his regular email? He couldn't be bothered to take five seconds to make a new Gmail account.

All conservautists are retarded, but Wohl and Baked Alaska are the only two I can seriously see being DNC black propaganda.

How does it feel to be as dumb as Wohl?

Shhhhh don't ruin this for me.

Yang is the anti-daddy meme, if they shake hands they might collapse time and cause our time line to either return to normal or go from 40% 🀑🌍 to πŸ’―πŸ€ πŸŒŽπŸŒπŸ€‘πŸ’―

More like pocahotass

Well if she's Hillary 2.0 than someone had to cheat I guess.

shock the conscious


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. Jacob Whol is at it again this time... - archive.org, archive.today

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These charges will shock the conscious of the nation

I fucking love these clowns.

Jacob Wohl wishes he was the Andy Kaufman of Politics. He just comes off as someone missing a chromosome in a not funny way though.

The best part was the Journalists started heckling him hmm as soon as the farce began.