You are no longer allowed to say J*ker on this sub. Mods please ban anyone who does day J*ker.

62  2019-10-03 by wazzupnerds


This is retarded and wasted a few precious seconds of my life. Thanks for the r/drama experience sweaty. 😘

the amount of zoomer impotence radiating from this video has made me sterile

im gonna say it

Mr. Wayne get down!

Nigga + Joker = Nigger

This is one of the most retarded videos I've seen and I watched a 1 hour analysis of a 3-panel garfield comic.

If yo want the mods to ban people you should do it the r/drama way: by giving them tons of cash. For only 409 dollars you can permaban anyone you want.

Providing a Safe Spaceâ„¢ from SRD since 2009!


  1. You are no longer allowed to say J*... -,

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Rip the Jacker.